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Highly effective drug for weight loss Lida Capsules (90.00 g)

  • Brand: Tomu CO,.LTD
  • Product Code: 000077
  • Gross weight: 90.00 g
  • Stock: Wait 2-5 days
900 р. 1,440 р.

A famous Chinese invention from ancient times is LiDa Slimming Capsule. Capsules are known worldwide and numerous surveys have repeatedly confirmed the effectiveness of the drug.
Throughout their lives, women have been struggling hard for a slim, sexy body, sometimes sacrificing their health and depriving themselves of the joys of life.
And often it turns out that a lot of effort has been applied, and the result is minimal, or it quickly leaves and the body returns to its previous shape, and sometimes several kilograms more.
Thanks to taking LiDa capsules, your weight loss will be an easy and enjoyable process, pleasing every day.
You will not exhaust yourself with hunger strikes, but you will also become less, because thanks to LiD, hunger disappears and satiety comes faster.
The body ceases to require fast carbohydrates, sweets, flour and fat.
The principle of action of natural capsules is based on increasing metabolism, breaking down fats, preventing the formation of fat deposits, removing toxins from the body.
Ingredients: Pakhima coca-fat-burning natural extract; chrysanthemum; sweet potato - regulates blood glucose, lowers cholesterol; Jerusalem artichoke - improving metabolism; porphyra is a natural protein; golden tangerine; Garcinia Cambogia - a saturated hydrosilicic acid that burns fats and suppresses appetite; coconut-diuretic poria; coleus fat burner; cola tonic; guarana; extract of fortunella plate; bitter orange extract.
Method of application: 1 capsule once a day 30 minutes before a meal. In the morning. Do not take after 16.00. It is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of water for women and 2.5-3 liters for men. Tea, coffee, juices are not water, this is food.
Contraindications: pregnancy, lactation, people under 18 years of age, people with a cardiovascular problem, stomach ulcer.
Volume: 36 capsules.

Product Reviews
Капсулы Лида помогли сбросить 5 кг за месяц без диет. Энергии больше, аппетит снижен, результат впечатляет!
Отличное средство для похудения! Появилась лёгкость, аппетит под контролем. Вес уходит постепенно, без стресса для организма.
Подскажите они в железной упаковке или картонной?
Супер быстрая доставка. После полученных инструкций, все вопросы урегулированы. После приема курса, обязательно напишу повторный отзыв.
Здравствуйте. Лиду можно пить одновременно с лишоу? Например, капсулы Лиды утром, а лишоу перед сном?
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