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Sweet-hot Thai sauce Mae Pranom Dipping for Chicken (260 gr) (560.00 g)

  • Product Code: 65
  • Gross weight: 560.00 g
  • Stock: In stock
174RUB 174 р.

The delicious Thai sweet-hot Mae Pranom Dipping for Chicken sauce was originally intended for chicken, but experience shows that you want to eat such a delicious sauce with fried vegetables, fish, slices of meat and all that you want. In Thailand, everywhere served with sauce for fried spring rolls, chicken fries and fried seafood. The sauce has a bright sweet-pungent taste, which gives the food an unforgettable taste.
Volume: 260 grams

Tags: thai, cuisine
Product Reviews
Шикарный соус. Похож на нашу "хреновину" с кисло сладким соусом. Необычно и вкусно. Идеально с овощами и мясом. Беру не первый раз. Подруги тоже оценили его.
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