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Paola Herrera

Revitalizing hair conditioner from Inecto «Pure Coconut» on the basis of 100% coconut oil (650.00 g)

  • Brand: Inecto
  • Product Code: 000198
  • Gross weight: 650.00 g
  • Stock: In stock
1,020RUB 1,020 р.

 Hair products without parabens.
 Export series reducing agents for the hair from Inecto «Pure Coconut» on the basis of 100% coconut oil.
 The series is designed for owners of dry and damaged hair, suffer from frequent heat treatment and dyeing. Shampoo, conditioner, mask and serum is based on coconut oil will make your hair more manageable, soft and shiny.
 Intense hydration and recovery will help your hair to become a living, bright and beautiful.
 Due to natural coconut oil in the composition, the hair structure is sealed and creates a protective layer against the harmful effects of the environment, while maintaining the moisture balance of protecting from desiccation.
 Moisturizing Conditioner to restore the structure of damaged hair. It contains 100% coconut oil for regeneration, and the power dry damaged hair moisturizing and facilitating their stacking and combing. This series does not contain parabens in the composition.
 Shampoo recommended for use in conjunction with the shampoo and mask «Pure Coconut» for maximum effect.
 Volume: 500 ml


Tags: thai, cosmetics
Product Reviews
Мне пришел огромный флакон кондиционера – целых пол литра! Я очень довольна покупкой, ведь это не только выгодно экономически, само средство натуральное, содержит настоящее кокосовое масло и прекрасно ухаживает за волосами. Отлично подошло в качестве зимнего ухода, когда даже самые жирные волосы нуждаются в постоянном увлажнении.
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