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HaemoVit Anemia Capsules (150.00 g)

  • Product Code: 736
  • Gross weight: 150.00 g
  • Stock: In stock
510RUB 510 р.

Red capsules for anemia HaemoVit is a combination of black salt and vitamin B 1-6-12, effective in treating iron deficiency anemia, for improving blood composition and promoting health.
Indications: for the treatment of secondary anemia, especially when the diet is deficient in vitamins B1-6-12 and iron. Improves appetite.
Method of application: 1-2 tablets 3 times a day after meals.

The image that everyone has in the diagnosis of anemia corresponds to a pale and weak woman. Here's what you need to know about this frequent illness, usually without serious consequences, which may hide other ailments.

Non-specific symptoms
The biggest problem with this disease is that it is not very noticeable, and for a long time. Not only are the symptoms not very noticeable, but they also appear quite late.
When anemia is established, the person feels tired all the time, even after a good sleep and rest. Anemia is characterized by pallor of the skin and in more serious cases there are difficulties with breathing.
In the absence of diagnosis and treatment, anemia can develop and cause even more disturbing symptoms: rapid heartbeat, dizziness, accelerated breathing, sweating, thirst.
Beware: black feces can be a sign of anemia. They are usually caused by bleeding in the stomach, which leads to loss of iron. These signs should be taken very seriously and promptly treated.

Anemia is characterized by a low content of hemoglobin in the blood. Hemoglobin is mainly composed of iron, and this chemical element is absent in case of anemia. Therefore, measuring the amount of iron in the blood allows you to diagnose anemia.

Anemia is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Its reasons may be different.

The most common cause of iron deficiency in the body is abundant blood loss in women during the menstrual cycle. If the lost blood is not replaced by absorbed food, the defect is fixed.

Gastric ulcer: if left untreated, it causes anemia due to internal bleeding that occurs regularly.

Nutrition: vegetarians are most prone to iron deficiency, since meat-iron is best absorbed by the human body.

Sometimes the body destroys hemoglobin. This applies to rare types of anemia, such as aplasia.

Pregnant women: the fetus consumes most of the iron mother's reserves.

Vegetarians: iron contained in meat is much better absorbed than in vegetables.

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