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Haam capsules to normalize blood pressure and blood sugar (90.00 g)

  • Brand: Wangprom Herb
  • Product Code: 000614
  • Gross weight: 90.00 g
  • Stock: In stock
416RUB 416 р.
Violation of blood pressure indicators adversely affects the functioning of all body systems, can lead to circulatory disorders, adversely affect human memory and motility. But, as practice shows, it is this disease that can be considered the real scourge of civilized countries. And where there is a problem, there will always be a solution. Moreover, in the traditions of Thai folk medicine, for this purpose, for a long time, natural plant components have been used, which today are part of the preparation of Haam capsules (Haam, Arcangelisia flava, Kaminkrua capsule, Coscinium Usitatum) to normalize pressure.
Blood pressure and blood sugar are normal - with Haam capsules
The high efficiency of Haam capsules is due to the presence in their composition of components that have the ability to fight cholesterol plaques. In particular - wood liana, for many centuries used by Thai healers as an antioxidant, hematopoietic and restorative agent. Due to the completely natural composition, the drug has practically no contraindications and has a cumulative effect, gradually eliminating not the symptoms, but the very cause of the problems with blood pressure.
The proven effectiveness of Haam capsules in the fight against various vascular diseases makes them an excellent tool for the prevention and treatment of typical age-related problems: varicose veins, memory loss, thrombosis and diabetes. And for young women, this drug helps fight amenorrhea.
Attention: on the package with capsules there is a recommendation for use in Russian, saying that the capsules treat bloating. Since the manufacturer of capsules Haam, the company Wangprom, does not have Russian-speaking personnel on its staff, they cannot correctly write appointments in Russian. Bloating is one of the symptoms of malaise that the capsules can relieve. But the main purpose of the plant is to normalize the pressure and blood sugar level, which, in addition to the information we provided, can be found in medical sources and encyclopedias.
Method of application: 1 capsule 3 times a day before meals.
Volume: 100 capsules


Product Reviews
Моя бабуля очень страдает от давления, врачи прописали различные лекарства, купил эти капсулы, со слов бабушки, ей стало намного лучше
Капсулы Хаам – отличное средство! Помогли стабилизировать давление и сахар в крови. Просто принимать, не вызывают побочных эффектов. Рекомендую всем, кто страдает от проблем с давлением и сахаром.
У бабушки постоянно скакало давление, причет разброс был очень большой. Решил ей купить попробовать. В итоге давление начало нормализоваться. Спасибо вам большое
Здравствуйте. Мне 43. Повышенное давление моя вечная проблема. Еще в институте во время сессий с таблетками не расставалась. Бадам особо никогда не доверяла, но с возрастом решила, что лекарства надо ограничивать. Долго выбирала на чем остановиться. Выбрала капсулы Хаам. Подкупило и то, что помогают при диабете. Пока сахар в норме, но у меня мама диабетик, поэтому боюсь наследственности. Спасибо, давление повышается гораздо реже. Заодно и профилактика диабета.
Здравствуйте, Ольга 100 капсул
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