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Capsules of lotus seed Dee Bois for the heart and normalize blood pressure (80.00 g)

  • Brand: Wangprom Herb
  • Product Code: 000624
  • Gross weight: 80.00 g
  • Stock: In stock
540RUB 540 р.

 Dee Bois - unique herbal capsules, normalizes blood pressure and has a beneficial effect on the heart. The main component of the capsules - the fruit of the lotus, which are collected in the seed box. They normalize the activity of the heart, stimulates the restoration of normal heart rhythm and to optimize the number of heart beats. The peculiarity of the drug is that it stimulates the blood flow to the myocardium, reducing the risk of heart attacks by 67%. Besides vasodilatation occurs resorption and plaques, which in turn leads to a pressure reduction, elimination of migraine and problems with pressure.
 Lotus has a strong sedative effect. It calms the nervous system, normalizes heart rate, acting as a chemical analogue of the "heart" of drugs. In this withdrawn state of nervousness, anxiety, reduced the frequency and intensity of panic attacks. Neutralizing arrhythmia, Dee Bois relieves insomnia and tachycardia recommended.
 Patients who have had a heart attack, quickly getting better, taking Dee Bois on doctor's orders. Numerous clinical and laboratory testing of the drug confirmed that he treats myocarditis, and helps to restore the heart muscle. Thanks to the stimulating effect, serves as a means of prevention of heart attacks, strengthens blood vessels and relieves spasms, normalizing blood pressure. The drug is based on the lotus is able to effectively clean the walls of blood vessels and remove toxins. Due to these properties, the lotus is considered the east symbol of longevity and health.
 Dosage: 2-3 capsules daily before meals
.  Size: 100 capsules

Product Reviews
Хорошее средство от давления и для сердца. Самочувствие с годами лучше не становится, а перенесённый гепатит не позволяет мне принимать огромную гору лекарств из-за нагрузки на печень. А эти капсулы полностью натуральные и можно смело принимать, тем более что мои терапевт и кардиолог, как ни странно, это одобрили. Скачки давления стали не такими частыми и резкими, и сердце уже не так шалит, иногда даже рюмочку себе позволяю. Так дальше пойдёт, так и на девушек снова засматриваться начну. Это я шучу, конечно, но эффект действительно весьма заметный
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