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Warming anti-cellulite cream with extract of ginger and chilli Isme Shape Firming Herbal Cream (200.00 g)

  • Brand: Isme
  • Product Code: 000407
  • Gross weight: 200.00 g
  • Stock: In stock
435RUB 435 р.

 The most popular and effective anti-cellulite body cream with extract of ginger and chilli with an affordable price and consistent quality Isme Shape Firming Herbal Cream.
 Warming cream-known company allows ISME as soon juices bring your body in perfect condition, eliminate orange peel, tighten and align the skin.
 The cream is made on the basis of natural herbal extract of ginger, chili hot pepper, seaweed and vitamin E.
 Everyone is familiar with warming and stimulating circulation effect of the Thai chili pepper in food and externally. Chile Natural peptides penetrate deep into the epidermis, causing increased blood flow in areas of fatty deposits, allowing the destruction of fat cells and excretion of degradation products through the lymph, sweat and skin cancer. Thus for cellulite (fat cells) is left almost no chance. Applying the cream does not allow fat deposits remain in the tissues.
 You can see the effect of a week of regular use. We also want to note that if you use the same clothes during the application of the cream allows you to enhance the effect. For example, you are dealt a cream to put on top of the body and tights, going about their business, and so. tights then removed and set aside the next day. Repeated dressing you enhance the effect, as the cream particles remain on the clothes and continue to have effect in the interaction with the skin. after a week of using this cream can be applied not just to wear leggings, the effect will be like by applying the cream. Thus it is possible to reduce the consumption of funds.
 Also, if you are dealt a cream, the warming effect lasts for several hours and showering to remove the effects will not help, exactly as after the ingestion of chile pepper heat to try to drink water. It will not work. Keep this in mind and apply a thin layer of cream on the skin, it is advisable not before going to the office or on important matters. Be wary of before exercise, as there is the risk of overheating. Do not use the cream before going to the beach, and exposure to the sun (sunbathing).
 Volume: 120 grams

Product Reviews
"Купила антицеллюлитный крем с экстрактом имбиря и чили - результат впечатляет! Кожа стала более упругой и гладкой. Рекомендую!"
У знакомой стали появляться признаки целлюлита. Я ей заказывала этот крем. Есть ощутимые результаты, которые заметны невооруженным взглядом.
Заказываю это крем для похудения. На удивление результаты есть! Ещё если питание контролировать, упражнения делать - можно за неделю сбросить вес и подтянуть кожу. Рекомендую!
Крем быстро впитывается, не оставляет следов. Пахнет приятно и хорошо подтягивает кожу.
Меня замучил целлюлит на ногах и я решила попробовать этот крем. Замечательный крем, эффективный, помогает бороться с целлюлитом.
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