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Course for weight loss Yanhee -20 (15 capsules daily) (150.00 g)

6,000 р. 6,600 р.

NOTE: our clients have noticed that on websites, also offer Thai cosmetics, use original photos of our shop smeared the trademark "Thai Care" and offer to sell courses of Yanhee Hospital, for a lower price! Please note that you are using our photos with a FULL courses of weight loss, but to sell in these shops offer PARTIAL courses, and the pictures make already down in the product description. Be careful! Don't be fooled by the lower cost!


Yanhee in the form of the course "-20 kilograms" - the second step of the popular program for weight loss from Yanhee. The hospital's specialists "Yanhee" recommend to take it only after taking the first course that allows you to clean up to 10 pounds in 28 days. The complex is oriented on those who do not base correction, and to achieve much more impressive results in a relatively short time.
You believe that excess weight has become your constant companion? Forgot about the heels and choose only practical footwear on a flat sole? Dream of the ugly duckling to become a Swan, but the excess body weight like pounds of a weight, does not even walk to the gym? We are ready to offer a tool that will save you from the captivity of the common misconceptions and will be the best solution for performance monitoring of weight. The famous "Thai bears Yanhee" is now available in Russia, with direct supplies from the international hospital, where I work their creators.
Miraculous transformation "bears Yanhee"
When the volume of excess weight more than the numbers 15-20 pounds to drop within a month two or three of them almost does not make sense - you result, at best, will only see on the scales. And, most likely, it will be achieved by removing from the body excess water that can return in any violation of the regime. Not ready for hard limits? Then the diet is not exactly your way. But going to the gym is not a panacea for this problem. Moreover, when significant rates of body weight physical capabilities are often limited, and the loss of extra pounds in this case will go very slow.
What to do if you want to lose weight not "someday" or "next year", and in the next month? Then you definitely need to buy "Thai bear" that allows you to dump up to 20 pounds within just 28 days. With them the excess weight will leave rapidly, and your main task will be to maintain regimens - without starving and exhausting physical activity. The course is "-20 kg" allows, depending on the starting weights of the body to achieve impressive results in the loss of excess weight. Of course, the cherished figures in two dozen pounds, not all achieve, but even the smaller loss in body weight can significantly transform the appearance of a man.
A distinctive feature of the "bears" Yanhee is the versatility in application. They are suitable to receive both women and men. The weight loss program is built in such a way that regulates the natural metabolic processes and not suppress the production of hormones necessary for normal functioning of the body. In just a month you will be able to completely change the wardrobe of one, two or even four sizes, from extra pounds without much regret. And to avoid returning to previous levels on the scales will help support courses "Yanhee", which allows to maintain the achieved result for long years.
How does it work?
Natural recipes for the control of body weight work is not worse than advertised drugs are chemical based. This principle was used once in the Yanhee General Hospital in the development of drugs series "Thai bear". Complex "-20 kg" involves a wide range of natural substances aimed at solving a variety of problems. Improving metabolism, intense detoxification, excretion of harmful substances, siplivaya in it over the years, interfering with normal life, "bears" provide a comprehensive approach to weight loss, and the separation of the capsules into two doses allows to provide biologically active ingredients day and night.
A light diuretic effect, which give natural herbal components, as well as other manifestations of adaptation to new conditions of work in the early days can be quite unpleasant. Nausea, sweating, "tides" in the first few days are especially pronounced if you do not follow the recommended by doctors diet. In particular, it is necessary to exclude from the diet of other diuretics, coffee, alcoholic drinks, green tea. And eat, even in the absence of appetite should be regularly eating at least five times during the day. This will allow you to adapt more quickly to weight loss and elimination of toxins. However, the period of adaptation in any case, lasts no more than weeks.
And are there any contraindications?
Like any other medication, past testing and clinical trials, "Thai bear" Yanhee has a number of contraindications, which prevent the creation of conditions for development is dangerous to your health conditions. In particular, the reception should not start:

during breastfeeding - herbal ingredients 100% absorbed by the body and penetrate, in particular, and in milk;
 in the presence of chronic diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
if you have recently suffered a heart attack or stroke;
when diagnosed with diabetes.

Contrary to popular belief, are not a contraindication to receiving the "bears" phenomena such as menopause, hormonal drugs to prevent conception. Their use can be combined with vitamin prophylaxis, supplementing their diet with a reserve of biologically active components, or to combine with taking mineral supplements from "Yanhee", avoiding the loss of valuable for weight control magnesium and calcium, the lack of which can lead to serious health consequences.
The rules of admission
To achieved by the end of the course the result was most pronounced, you should follow some simple but useful rules:

strictly follow the regimen recommended by the manufacturer;
do not take a double dose, even if missed taking on time;
drink more water - it will leave the body of toxins accumulated in it over time the accumulation of excessive body mass;
keep a diary - this will allow us to detect errors most frequently committed by losing weight;
 weigh yourself daily at the same time - this will allow you to track the dynamics of your victories against excess weight.

Follow these simple rules and lose weight with the rate of "20 pounds" from Thai bears.

Tags: body, beauty, slim
Product Reviews
Эти капсулы я купила для второго этапа своего похудения. Сначала я брала для похудения на 10 кг. Такой курс я предпочла, полагаясь на печальный опыт моей подруги. Она сразу купила капсулы на -20 кг. Ее сильно тошнило, и она часто бегала в туалет. В общем, пришлось ей перейти на прием капсул через день, потом вроде ничего вошло в норму и она сбросила 18 кг за месяц. Но я на такие жертвы не рискнула, поэтому сначала купила на -10 кг — успешно, теперь перешла на -20 кг. Хотя я слышала, что кому-то и этот курс мучений не доставил, наверное, зависит от организма. Заканчиваю первую неделю — все отлично и самочувствие хорошее, и вес уходит. Поэтому советую, сначала пройти более щадящий курс, а уж потом переходить на этот. Мой вес до начала приема капсул был 109 кг, после первого курса стал 100,4. На сегодняшний день, т.е. неделю на капсулах «-20 кг» я вешу 96 кг. Надеюсь на весах увидеть цифру, приближенную к 80! Это будет — супер! Советую всем, кто решил похудеть, препараты именно этой линейки.
Надеюсь, что навсегда распрощалась со своими 20-тью килограммами. Благодаря этим капсулам я не только потеряла вес, но и научилась правильно питаться. Все-таки не хотелось деньги бросать на ветер и вновь вернуться к своим прежним 89 кг, поэтому теперь ограничила сладкое, а мучное полностью исключила. По своему опыту знаю, что только ограничения в питании не помогают сбросить вес также эффективно как с капсулами. Поначалу, дня три-четыре подташнивало, и в туалет бегала часто — это, я думаю, организм очищался и готовился к радикальному похудению. Но все проходило в пределах небольшого дискомфорта, хотя я ожидала худшего. Боялась, что кожа после таких потерь веса (все-таки — 20 кг за месяц!) обвиснет, поэтому занялась легким фитнесом — не очень люблю физически себя нагружать. Толи поэтому, толи потому что так и должно быть, но кожа не обвисла — это радует. Хочу попробовать поддерживающие курсы из этой же линии капсул, читала, что позволяет закрепить результаты навсегда. Попробую, потом напишу отзыв и на тот препарат.
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