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Администратор Елена

Face cream acne Acne Cream Yanhee (70.00 g)

420RUB 420 р.

Tired to fight with a painful rash on the face? Yanhee Acne Cream designed specifically to combat acne, has a strong antibacterial effect, helps to cope with the causes of inflammation and eliminate them. With the help of this tool, which enhanced the antibacterial agent can achieve effective cleansing even with white ulcers and severe inflammation of the skin. Penetrating into the deep layers of the epidermis active ingredients are dried and eliminate redness. And with regular use the cream ensures complete elimination of acne symptoms.
Yanhee Acne Cream is easy to cope with the solution of several problems: it is quickly absorbed and has preventive properties. It can be used to achieve rapid elimination of the symptoms of acne without the extra cost and prolonged treatment, as well as to ensure sustainable conservation results. A matte finish achieved in the application of the cream helps to get rid of oily sheen on the skin.

Looking to purchase a effective remedy for acne inexpensive? Then you should definitely buy in our online store Yanhee cream Acne Cream Plus Vit E, has a pronounced anti-inflammatory action and different affordable price. The composition of this cosmetic product - natural ingredients, the use of which is proven by generations of Thai beauties, whose perfect skin is the envy of and model for millions of women around the world.
Vitamin E has long been known as an effective calming and anti-inflammatory component and broad-spectrum. It can be used to troubleshoot the most common effects of acne: scars, craters, pores, and improve overall condition of skin. And in combination with other components it creates optimal conditions for rapid healing of inflamed areas. With regular application the cream has a pronounced therapeutic effect, helps to achieve good results in the fight against teenage and hormonal acne.
Volume: 10 m

Tags: acne, face, cream, yanhee
Product Reviews
Я акне не могла побороть на протяжении многих лет. Реально, как проклятье какое-то. Чем только не пользовалась - и дорогим, и дешевым. Крем Yanhee Acne Cream покупала, честно говоря, без особенных надежд. Просто привыкла уже - увидела новое средство - купи. Оказалось - то, что нужно. Состояние кожи заметно улучшилось уже через месяц. И даже шрамы и рубцы начинают потихоньку сглаживаться.
Прыщи на лице в подростковом возрасте - еще терпимо. А я, в результате гормонального сбоя, получила себе эту прелесть к тридцати трем годам. Мучилась ужасно. Но с Yanhee Acne Cream дело пошло на лад. Гнойники подсохли, рубцы немного сглажены. Воспаление прошло - до этого кожу вообще невозможно было тронуть, настолько все было воспалено. И как бонус - матирующий эффект, очень приятно.
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