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Yanhee cream Whitening Acne Cream (80.00 g)

540RUB 540 р.

Yanhee cream Whitening Acne Cream , has a strong whitening action, fighting such manifestations of acne like inflammation, skin rashes, formation of scars after treatment of acne in adolescence and adulthood, eliminating acne and scars on face. The composition of this cosmetic product - natural ingredients, the use of which is proven by generations of Thai beauties, whose perfect skin is the envy of and model for millions of women around the world.
Vitamin E has long been known as an effective calming and anti-inflammatory component and broad-spectrum. It can help you to resolve most common effects of acne scars, craters, pores and improve overall skin condition. And in combination with other components it creates optimal conditions for rapid healing of inflamed areas. With regular application the cream has a pronounced therapeutic effect, helps to achieve good results in the fight against teenage and hormonal acne. Normalizes the melanin production, make skin smooth and smooth.
Want to buy effective whitening solution inexpensively? Then you should definitely buy in our online store Whitening cream is Yanhee Acne Cream has a pronounced anti-inflammatory action and different affordable price.
Volume: 20 grams

Tags: acne, face, cream, yanhee
Product Reviews
Yanhee Serum Vit E - то, что должно быть в косметичке каждой женщины. Пользуемся этой сывороткой на пару с дочкой. Она акне убирает и угри, я - пигментацию, которая отчего-то начала проявляться слишком рано. Наносить просто, дизайн приятный, текстура хорошая, на кожу ложится равномерно. И даже после одного применения уже видны результаты. Настоящий "спасательный круг" для обладателей проблемной кожи.
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