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Blackhead Vacuum Pore Cleaner Zit Acne Remover Tool (200.00 g)

  • Product Code: 000411
  • Gross weight: 200.00 g
  • Stock: Wait 2-5 days
930 р. 1,410 р.

Facial Skin Cleansing Makeup Pore Cleaner Blackhead Zit Acne Remover Tool
Effectively draws dirt from the depth of pores due to the vacuum effect. The cleaner is designed to solve serious problems with the development and spread of acne on the skin.
Along with cleansing, it performs a relaxing massage, leaving the pores clean. It works well on the skin on all areas of the face, even the forehead, chin, nose and other hard-to-work places. Thoroughly cleanse the skin, without the need to cause mechanical damage to the skin, squeeze or cure acne and suppuration. A strong vacuum cleanses the pores, an antimicrobial protector that penetrates deep into the inflammation and destroys the foci of suppuration, killing epidermal staphylococcus and preventing its re-development.
Of course, the repulsive type of inflammation and suppuration spoils the appearance and mood of any person, regardless of gender and age, lowering self-esteem and forcing sometimes to refuse to themselves in an elementary meeting with friends or a romantic date. But life does not stand still and if we can not go to a meeting, then we can’t get anywhere from work or study, and hated acne and acne do not worry about it and flaunt in a most visible place. For such cases and in general to solve skin problems of this nature, scientists very carefully develop and create tools that have an effective and directed effect on eliminating acne and preventing their reappearance.
As you know, the cause of acne and acne are problems with hormonal imbalances, as a result of which increased production of sebum and keratins is triggered, which clog pores and prevent skin cells from breathing and self-cleaning, which leads to localized inflammation and the formation of suppuration. After applying the vacuum, the skin is soft and even.
Precautionary measures:
1. Please clean your face before use, it is recommended to steam it out, so that the pores open better)
3. Do not use hot water (70.C or more) and detergents
Material: ABS plastic
Power: use 1 AA battery

Tags: thai, cosmetics
Product Reviews
К тридцати годам я наконец победила акне, но лицо после боя выглядело как у неухоженного подростка: неровное, в следах и шрамах от прыщей, с покраснениями на месте старых угрей. Косметолог посоветовал перед лазерной чисткой попробовать контактные средства. По отзывам и рекомендациям я и нашла этот гель. За два месяца использования я потратила весь тюбик – наносила, как и положено, два раза в день тонким слоем. Лицо стало гораздо приличнее выглядеть – маленькие шрамики вообще исчезли, большие – уменьшились до состояния расширенных пор. По словам косметолога, лазерная шлифовка мне сейчас не показана, обойдемся курсом фруктовых пилингов. А все благодаря этому гелю!
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