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Carbohydrate Blocker Lite Carb (80.00 g)

  • Product Code: 1/260
  • Gross weight: 80.00 g
  • Stock: Wait 2-5 days
1,350RUB 1,350 р.
Weight control carbohydrate blocker Lite Carb reduces the absorption of starch, sugar, fat.
Reduces absorption of flour, sugar, fat and stimulates fat metabolism, helping to control weight. The capsules are made on the basis of natural ingredients, without harm to health and without the yo-yo effect.
  • Cactus extract 250 mg.
  • White kidney bean extract 150 mg.
  • Garcinia cambogia 50 mg.
  • Green tea extract 30 mg.
  • Ginger extract 30 mg.
  • apsicum extract 20 mg.
  • Chromium piconate 1.08 mg.
Contraindications: pregnancy and lactation, age up to 18 years.
Method of application: 1 capsule twice a day before breakfast and dinner.
Volume: 30 capsules.
Product Reviews
Великолепный эффект, почувствовала улучшение пищеварения, отсутствие тяжести после приема пищи. Вес начал уходить
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