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Massage Oil BANNA (150.00 g)

  • Brand: BANNA
  • Product Code: 000005
  • Gross weight: 150.00 g
  • Stock: In stock

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* Fragrance:
* Volume:
210RUB 210 р.

Fragrant massage oil for the body ravnodushnym will not leave any connoisseur of the beautiful. Treat yourself to moments of pure relaxation with the delicious flavors from the heart of Thailand. Huge selection of fabulous flavors will please even the most discerning buyer.
Love your body, give him moments of pleasure, indulge.
Jasmine is known for its tonic properties, as well as the ability to increase the internal resources of the person. This flower was known to the inhabitants of the East in ancient times and was already used in cosmetics to preserve youth and beauty among the nobility. Afford cosmetics with Jasmine today, every girl and, therefore, the Eastern secret of beauty is in your hands
Today Jasmine is one of the main ingredients in all cosmetic lines for skin care. It not only soothes sensitive skin and relieves irritation, but also moisturizes it. There are practically no people who would be allergic to Jasmine and Jasmine oil.
This makes Jasmine oil is the perfect option for ladies with sensitive hypoallergenic skin. Another important property of Jasmine is tonic. Oil perfectly nourishes the skin, restores its structure, gives strength and energy.
Property of Jasmine oil, which few people know is its ability to fight cellulite. So, with regular use of body lotion during the massage of problem zones the severity of effect of "orange peel" is reduced after a month of use. Jasmine oil in the lotion works best on steamed skin, so the best time is after a shower. Open pores better absorb the active components within the lotion, which means that the effect of the procedure will be several times higher.

Natural coconut oil is popular for massage and sunbathing, as well as for daily skin care of face and body. In coconut oil contains large amounts of natural acids: lauric, hyaluronic, triglitseridy.
These acids are known components in the means to care for the skin thanks to the nourishing and rejuvenating properties. Instantly absorbed, fatty acids coconut oil penetrate deep within the epidermis, saturating the cells with nutrients, vitamins and minerals.
Thanks to the natural hyaluronic acid moisture is retained in the cells, preventing dryness and maintaining the water balance of the cells is normal, which significantly reduces islinenote skin and prevents wrinkles.
Coconut oil is a unique product. This amount of healthy fatty acids, minerals and vitamins difficult to find in nature in its natural form. Palmitic, Caprylic, oleic, capric, stearic, linolenic, arachidonic, copra acids are not produced synthetically from petroleum.
The systematic use coconut oil moisturizes and nourishes the skin, slows the aging process and aging of skin, increases skin elasticity, protects the skin from the harmful effects of the environment, strengthens hair and nails, prevents stretch marks on the skin.
Vitamin E in the oil has a beneficial effect on condition of skin cells, promotes healing and prevents inflammation of the skin.
Application of coconut oil on time tan provides reliable protection from harmful UV rays, defending skin from photoaging while allowing you to get beautiful and even tan.
Method of application: a small amount of oil to apply on body, massage until completely absorbed. With daily care to help enhance the absorption of nutrients by the skin, you can use body scrub.

 The ancient traditions of the East say that the lotus is a symbol of purity and innocence, kindness, love and light, and divine spiritualization. In Asia, the sacred flower of the plant, and it is called: Sacred Lotus. Natural oil of sacred lotus has a wide range of useful qualities. It is known that essential oil of this flower is very powerful to possess aphrodisiac quality, giving harmony and spiritual closeness couples in love. Sacred lotus oil is widely used in meditation, yoga and Feng Shui, helping body and soul merge in harmony. Aromatherapy with the sacred lotus oil relaxes, tones and gives the body strength.
 Oil sacred plant is widely used in cosmetics because it has a pronounced anti-aging and healing properties. The rich diversity enriches and nourishes the skin with essential fatty acids, tightens and strengthens the turgor, moisturizes. Flavonoids and alkaloids in the composition of the body to give courage and strength, strengthen the immune system and cardiovascular system, making clear the mind and removing chronic fatigue. In medicine, the oil of the Sacred Lotus effectively used to relieve spasms and muscle pain, soothe irritation and inflammation of the skin, promotes healing of wounds and fractures.
 Lotus Oil nourishes and moisturizes the skin, promotes the production of natural collagen and elastin, smoothes wrinkles, protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation and prevents premature aging of the epidermis.

Orchid oil is a natural cosmetic product, rich in essential ingredients and nutrients. The high content of biologically active fatty acids can be used for skin care face and body at home, replacing the natural inorganic makeup.
Orchid flowers are used in the manufacture of oil, characterized by a subtle aroma and extraordinary beauty. And these properties of the plant gives generously when using it as a essential component in aromatherapy or beauty products for body care and hair.
Orchid oil is a natural source of beauty
Like other natural oils, the product on the basis of orchids has a regenerating, toning, nourishing and soothing properties, saturating valuable nutrients even very damaged cells. It is to him Thai beauties largely due to the luxurious condition of hair and nails and the delicate skin radiance face and body. And today the natural oil of orchids available for residents of Russia and other countries in the online store "Thai Care".
The aromatic value of this tool is also very high. This oil is very popular in the perfume industry, and the use in the aroma lamp it provides beneficial effects on the nervous system, calming and helping to overcome the symptoms of insomnia. But when adding it as part of your usual face cream or body can greatly enhance the rejuvenating and nourishing effect, literally bringing to life even the most tired skin.
Method of application: oil, soft massage movements gently massage into skin, allow to absorb.

Mangosteen oil is widely used in Thai folk medicine as a means to deal with local inflammation, itching and circulatory disorders. Its constituent essential and biologically active compounds for rapid but gentle impact directly on the cause of the problem, without hindering the regeneration of tissues. The tool is completely safe when applied to the skin, helps heal quickly even open wounds, helps to eliminate scratches and abrasions, relieves symptoms that occur with insect bites. And economical oil consumption, even under very heavy use you can use it as a means to express holiday vacation or traveling with children.
 Natural antiseptic - mangosteen oil
 Used in folk medicine oil mangosteen has a pronounced antibacterial effect, obezzarazhivaya and removing inflammation in any skin lesions. In Southeast Asia, it is used as a means to combat dermatitis, allergies, boils, acne, and local inflammation, speaks at the opening or sensitive areas of the face and body.
 Oil-based mangosteen or "mangustinovy ​​iodine" to cope with a variety of unpleasant symptoms of skin diseases. When applied to the skin surface, it relieves itching and inflammation, soothes and accelerates the regeneration of the skin. With the ability to enhance blood circulation, accelerates healing means of open wounds and can even be used at stomatitis - it is safe for the mucosa and does not leave burns

Tripoten, tocopherol, and phytosterols - the three pillars in the composition of mango butter. These acids have the maximum benefit on the skin, refreshing and rejuvenating, preventing inflammation and promoting the production of elastin.
Natural argan oil eliminates peeling, irritation and redness on the skin, nourishes the skin with cracks, heals their dry skin.
Improves skin elasticity, prevents breaks, preventing stretch marks. Therefore, mango butter is recommended to use during pregnancy for skin care.
The unique composition and useful properties that make argan oil a valuable product in cosmetology.
Method of use: mango butter is equally useful as for massage and daily skin care. Provide your body a Spa treatment in your own bathtub, enjoying the wonderful aroma of mangoes.

Lavender oil — natural health care
Natural oil-based lavender flowers is perfect as a massage tool for relaxation and relaxation. And in a mixture with mineral oils, this component is perfectly nourishes the skin, giving it softness, tenderness and subtle flavor.
When used as bath lavender oil has a great Spa effect, giving the beauty treatments for your body a special relaxing atmosphere. And adding it to the water for baby bathing can be made easier to fall asleep and set the baby on a more relaxed way.
As a means of local impact oil based on lavender has a pronounced ability to enhance blood flow, which allows him to remove inflammation and reduce pain in diseases of the joints. It is used successfully in the treatment of various types of skin diseases, including dermatitis allergic properties, is used for healing of wounds and cuts, providing effective and rapid tissue regeneration.
Volume: 140 ml; 250 ml; 450 ml.

Product Reviews
С этим маслом в мою жизнь влилось столько позитива и солнечного настроения! Заказала его попутно вместе с другими продуктами Тайской Заботы. Не знаю, но почему-то вдруг захотелось именно таким ароматом окружить себя — сладким, сочным, теплым. Конечно, с манго я уже была знакома и сам фрукт, и его запах мне очень нравятся. Но на ароматерапии любовь к манговому маслу не закончилась. Кто бы мог подумать, что в качестве косметического средства оно превосходит известные мне крема? В этом я убедилась лично. Моя проблемная кожа (сухая, шелушащаяся, если не смазывать ее чем-нибудь) очень живо откликнулась на питательные свойства масла. Через несколько дней сухость и покраснения совершенно пропали. Если от кремов наступал только ежеминутный эффект, то манговое масло действительно оздоровило мою кожу! Не зря меня потянуло именно на этот аромат, интуиция не подвела. В этот раз заказала кроме масла шампунь-кондиционер с маслом манго и зеленый чай с этим же фруктом — буду оздоравливаться и внутри и снаружи!
Самый дешевый вариант отличного мангового масла, какой я встречала в интернет-магазинах! Раньше я покупала такое масло за дорого в аптеке, в зависимости от производителя от 100 до 400 рублей за 100 мл! При этом особой разницы в качестве не заметила. Здесь же за 200 рублей почти пол-литра — хоть вся с ног до головы умажься! Мне лично хватило больше чем на полгода. А если еще ряд других продуктов заказать, то и пересылка в копейки обойдется. В общем, магазин Тайская Забота для тех, кто умеет считать. Это масло ни чем не отличается от аптечного. Так же бережно и качественно ухаживает за кожей. С ним я благополучно пережила беременность – ни растяжек, ни целлюлита. Кожа на животе и бедрах осталась такая же, как и до родов, как будь то и не рожала. Поэтому особенно рекомендую его для беременных, что бы после родов остаться такой же красивой и привлекательной, что бы и на пляж не стыдно было выйти. А какой нежный аромат на коже остается, можно и в ванну капать для эффекта ароматерапии, успокаивает, поднимает настроение.
Масло супер. У меня банановое - аромат не приторный и ненавязчивый, наносится и распределяется легко по телу, отлично увлажняет.
Отличное масло в качестве массажного и просто для ежедневного применения! В прошлый раз для пробы купила только с ароматом франжипани (невероятный, просто волшебный аромат!). Сейчас хочу прикупить жасмин и нони. Наверное возьму сразу по 450 мл, на полгода хватит. При отличном качестве масла очень низкая цена. Что касается масла франжипани, то это просто божественный аромат, я такого еще не пробовала ни в духах, ни в какой-либо другой косметике. Одной дозы хватает нанести на все тело, потому что масло очень легкое, отлично распределяется, хорошо подходит для самомассажа. Особенно эффективно проминать бедра, живот — целлюлит постепенно сглаживается, тело и кожа становятся более упругими, подтянутыми. Мало того, являясь афордизиаком, масло этого цветка благоприятствует интимной обстановке, даже ни каких аромосвечей не надо. Достаточно после ванной нанести на тело масло и романтичная ночь обеспечена. Очень большой выбор масел, даже глаза разбегаются — все хочется попробовать! Может заказать несколько по небольшому объему? Подумаю.
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