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Администратор Елена

Modeling body cream BS Slim Gel (150.00 g)

1,170RUB 1,170 р.

Want to simulate the contours of the body alone? Enough to buy a BS Slim Gel, and you will be able to achieve your goals much faster. Included in the remedies are natural components help to provide an intense impact on the surface of the skin, penetrate deep into the layers of the epidermis, smoothing the surface and providing it with a well-groomed appearance.
Included in the liposome theophylline help get rid of effect of "orange peel", accelerate the burning of body fat. Liposomes of caffeine act as natural energy and speeding up your metabolism. And tannin and vitamin C boost elasticity and promote collagen. The tool is particularly effective when used during massage or anti-cellulite treatments.
Now the fight against stretch marks, cellulite and imperfect shapes will be easy for you and easy. Just apply on the body for 10-20 minutes before exercise or before going to bed and leave him to influence - no rinsing and no sticky feeling.

Want to simulate the contours of the body alone? Enough to buy a BS Slim Gel in our online store and you will be able to achieve your goals much faster. Affordable price of this tool due to a direct supply from Thailand. And its effectiveness is not inferior to the products of leading cosmetic companies.
Included in the liposome theophylline help get rid of effect of "orange peel", accelerate the burning of body fat. Liposomes of caffeine act as natural energy and speeding up your metabolism. And tannin and vitamin C boost elasticity and promote collagen. Don't miss the opportunity buy it to care for your body and appreciate the benefits of using this gel on my own experience.
Now the fight against stretch marks, cellulite and imperfect shapes will be easy for you and easy. Just apply on the body for 10-20 minutes before exercise or before going to bed and leave him to influence - no rinsing and no sticky feeling.

Product Reviews
У кого нет целлюлита после 30? По-моему он даже у моделей есть. Но я с ним борюсь вполне успешно - при помощи BS Slim Gel от "Янхи". Доступная цена не мешает ему неплохо бороться с лишними неровностями. Причем эффект заметен даже после первого применения - дает возможности для лимфодренажа, и, в целом, очень неплох. Наносится легко и быстро, без липкости. Можно применять при массаже - тогда действие еще более сильное.
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