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Spirulina Herbal One Capsule (150.00 g)

  • Brand: Herbal One
  • Product Code: 001051
  • Gross weight: 150.00 g
  • Stock: In stock
1,035RUB 1,035 р.

Unique capsule super useful algae Spirulina Spirulina Herbal One product is indispensable for people leading a healthy and active lifestyle and plan to live a long and healthy life, full of strength and energy. The famous scientist R. henrickson called spirulina the "perfect Supplement, stopping the aging process".
Spirulina is algae, with 75% consisting of protein, 18 amino acids and a full range of vitamins and minerals. Spirulina is rich in saturated fatty acids.
Due to the composition capsules spirulina Spirulina Herbal One will help to improve digestion, cleanse the body of toxins, deal with anemia, increase hemoglobin, improve blood composition, improve vitality and tone the body.
Japanese scientists have proved that consumption of spirulina in people suffering from constipation and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract allowed to make up the lack of protein and vitamins during treatment, especially in people who do not have the opportunity to eat or to absorb nutrients obtained from food.
The tool improves cardiac muscle function and has beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system.
Capsule Spirulina is a powerful immune stimulant of natural origin, so regular use of this supplements will significantly increase your body's resistance to viruses and infections.
Spirulina Herbal One makes up for the lack of protein and vitamins in the body, normalizing the balance of healthy cells.
Capsules Spirulina adjust carbohydrate and fat metabolism, reduce weight and improve digestion.
Recommended in the recovery period after surgery and for the elderly.
Normalize blood pressure and improve brain activity.
Rich in iron, so are prescribed for the treatment of anemia. Reduces cholesterol and normalizes blood sugar.
Improve the composition of the blood by cleansing and increasing the activity of white blood cells, protecting against bacteria, viruses and infections.
Essential Spirulina for vitamin deficiency in the off-season, early spring, when the body is exhausted after a cold time of year.
Capsules spirulina Spirulina Herbal One rich in natural fiber, which actively cleans the intestines without disturbing the natural microflora. Spirulina heals the digestive tract, removing toxins and promoting weight loss. The perfect natural absorbent.
Dosage: 2 capsules 3 times a day after meals. The course is 1 month.
Volume: 100 capsules.

Product Reviews
Добрый день !! а увас будут в наличие капсулы ALGENA спасибо
Пью спирулину уже 3 недели. Отметила: кожа выглядет свежее! однозначно. С утра не помятая морда, а хорошее личико, достаточно молодое) нормализовалось пищеварения (очень важный момент для тех, кто страдает тяжестью и вздутостью) волосы стали блестеть и вообще как то приличнее выглядеть, а то совсем что то жухлые были. На ногти пока эффекта никакого. Как ломались, так и продолжают Однозначно мне нравится и наверно месяцем не ограничусь, пропью парочку месяцев.
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