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Thai Bears. Stabilizer "Super Strong" (17 capsules a day) (250.00 g)

7,800 р. 8,400 р.

 Please note that we can not guarantee every customer the desired result, because the reaction of the body of each individual in the course of weight loss.

 Those who have already managed to get acquainted with the legendary "bears" Yanhee, know that the original drugs for weight loss developed in the clinic and successfully completed dozens of international tests and trials, can not simply be the next "empty shell." And with the advent of the strongest rate for weight loss in the range of preparations internationally respected brand not just a chance to improve their health, but also to get rid of many tens of kilograms of extra weight there were even those who long ago gave up on experimenting with his own body. True, it is important to know when to stop and observe all recommendations.
 Hospital experts have warned: the main thing, do not rush. And start taking the capsules "Thai Bears" should always be only gradually, first dropping in the last month 10 - 15 kilos, then moving to the second stage, allowing to lose another two dozen extra numbers on the scales. Only when all these steps are completed and your body weight will be, though not perfect, but it is much safer for your health, you can go to the next level of weight loss program. And upon its completion to fix obvious success rate support, which you can gradually attain the figure of your dreams by grinding it using not too intense, but at the same time is always useful moderate physical activity.
 What is the fixing rate, and why is it needed?
 What features has the foreign exchange administration of drugs? It creates conditions for a cumulative effect in the body - derived substances act more actively, as a result, to achieve the desired result occurs incrementally. But it is necessary to stop the course of the passage, and the risks of return to their former size increase. After all, to keep the achieved position is the most difficult in the first two or three months.
 For the first time faced with a similar phenomenon a half decades ago, Yanhee Hospital experts, created slimming capsules "Bears" have found a simple solution to the problems arising in patients. He was the development of a stabilizing circuit of the drug, allowing the body to adapt to it. And as they appear in the line of brand new products, more severe course, there was also a system that allows people with overweight independently monitor the achievement of the desired results.
 How does it work in practice? In fact, everything is simple:
     First you take the course with the lowest values ​​of the weight loss - on average, it allows you to reset the 28 days up to 10 - 15 kg. On its end you can stay there and fix the result of a two-month taking the same course in a "one day", or continue losing weight.
     The second step involves loss of more than 20 kilos in 4 weeks. Start a course as possible after the passage of the first stage, with a short break. If upon its completion, you were satisfied with their weight - perfect. You can fix the result and enjoy new forms and body harmony. If you still need the correction of body weight, you can continue taking the drug - already with a stronger exchange rate, "bears" "Yanhee"
      The most powerful course is designed for those who initially has a significant amount of excess weight and wants to bring it to a much lower value. Simply put, if you have already lost three kilograms with the help of a dozen capsules Yanhee, nothing prevents to lose the same amount - for a month receive a basic course and a two-month program anchoring
  Such an approach allows for eliminating the main problem of reducing the weight of people: uneven weight fluctuations. In the course of taking the capsules, you'll observe a uniform and gradual weight loss, forgetting about the "plateau" and the numbers on the scale, as if mocking the stood on the same mark.
 Whether the drug is safe for health?
 In order to easily lose weight, it is enough to follow the recommendations or disturb dosing scheme. Is this really enough? In fact, to reduce the weight without severe restrictions, changes in diet or physical activity can really be. The main thing - do not have time to seek more than willing to offer you a manufacturer of tools for weight loss. What may carry health risks when taking "bears"?
     Inadequate water consumption - its volume should be at least 2 liters per day, excluding other liquids
      Taking antibiotics or spirits - they should be excluded from the diet for the duration of weight loss
      Abuse of coffee, energy intake, or other drinks containing caffeine.
     The use of smoked and salted foods - it causes fluid retention and, in general, not very helpful for losing weight
  It is worth noting that nausea, aversion to food, frequent urination and other physiological needs, as well as excessive sweating in the early days of the drug are not signal an end to its use, but the reason to go to the "bears" consumption lightweight scheme. Just start taking them through the day, and when the active period of detoxification will take place, go back to the original scheme. After all, the body, accustomed to long-term stay in the intoxication mode, simply can not quickly pull all the toxins accumulated in it for one day. But to adapt to the new mode of life, too, will need to allocate a sufficient amount of time.
 As such, at Yanhee contraindications of the drug, known as the real "Thai Bears", there is no can not be. But, nevertheless, it should exercise due caution, if you have an intolerance against some means of components. Incompatible it with the reception and during pregnancy and lactation. With a history of cardiovascular diseases, endocrine disorders or problems in the kidneys and liver drug should not be used. In all other cases, the obstacles to its acceptance does not exist.
 Fast and effective weight loss: what to expect
  Receiving the support of the course indicates one thing: you have already managed to achieve impressive success and would like to fix the result. It is for this quality of "Bears" like women and men worldwide. The capsules do not just work to achieve this goal. They help to keep the weight at a given spot, alternating between periods of intense weight loss from the body to adapt to the new dimensions moments. This avoids the major nightmares of losing weight: the monstrous stretch marks and sagging skin. Of course, it all depends on the age of the person and care of the epidermis, which you choose. But, in any case, with the reception of supporting the course in conjunction with a good vitamin and mineral complex, and natural cosmetics for the body to get a beautiful result of your transformation will be after just eight weeks.
 The first thing that a person loses body slimming - water. It is due to her early weight loss can be so impressive. But the liquid is insidious property again to return the body heaviness - is only abuse salted nuts or eat at night pickled cucumber. This makes the most ineffective means for attaining harmony that we see in advertising. Yanhee capsules work quite differently. They literally break up the natural metabolism, establishing the endocrine system, normalizes the menstrual cycle and improve the general condition during PMS. Men also noted the positive effect of the drug, finding peace of mind and confidence instead of panic attacks and self-abasement inherent in those who for many years unsuccessfully trying to fight obesity.
 Of course, even dropping 10, 20 or 30 kilograms, you will not turn into a moment in a handsome or beautiful with relief muscles and the complete absence of any trace of dramatic changes in the body. But within the framework of supporting the course, you will be able to adapt to life in the new weight and be able to identify further ways to work on its own attraction.
 Only the original "Bears" in Yanhee anchoring know: beware of imitations
 For many years the "Bears" Yanhee sold exclusively in the territory of Thailand of direct producer - a hospital, a leading research in the field of aesthetic medicine. The lack of reliable information about the appearance of the capsules and rumors about their effectiveness immediately gave rise to a wave of monstrous fakes flooded the Internet open spaces. Of course, not to the original product, the renowned Bangkok clinic or to a safe weight loss drugs such relations have not.
 But how to recognize the product from the manufacturer? Buying a "bear" at the online store "Thai care", you can not question their origins. Its products we receive directly from the hands of specialist Yanhee Hospital, as part of an exclusive cooperation agreement. And always ready to provide customers with all the necessary documents confirming this fact.
 The original origin of the product - it's not all his dignity. Completely natural composition does not cause all the side effects that are "famous" chemicals for the control of body weight. Lack of habituation effect provides painless completion of the course after passing the reception program. And included in the means of components that regulate the digestive tract, help your body return to natural biorhythms so you can enjoy life without disturbances chair and eating disorders.
 Affordable price of the drug in our catalog - another bonus, courtesy of the hospital "Yanhee". After all, there is really keen to help the greatest possible number of patients, and do not look for exaggerated advertising sensationalism in the press or web space. By purchasing our support rate received on completion of the intensive phase of weight loss, you are giving yourself the opportunity to really control your appetite and the size of her waist. So whether or not to postpone the precious moment of gaining the coveted and tempting forms of the future, if you can already take a step into a new harmonious life together with the legendary "Bear" from sunny Thailand.
 Please note that we can not guarantee every customer the desired result, because the reaction of the body of each individual in the course of weight loss.

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Очень эффективные капсулы, спустя два дня после начала применения увидел минус килограмм на весах
Капсулы огонь! Всегда лучше, чем таблетки для меня. Эффект есть уже с первого дня. Рекомендую!
Мой вес 140 кг из-за сидячий работы, искал как скинуть вес без нагрузок и мишки мне в этом очень помогли. Сбросил 8.200
Препарат реально работает, похудела уже в первую неделю приема на 3 кг, при этом особо себя в еде не ограничивала и чувствую себя бодро.
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