We are sure that you did not suspect that a nutrient as rich as lycopene is hidden in your kitchen. For example, a tomato. That's right, Lycopene is the king among the nutrients. It has multiple health benefits and can help in ..
In the home of its growth, Thailand and Cambodia, Garcinia Cambodian is used as a condiment for salads, a preservative for fish preparations. It is used to give the food satiety. Indian Ayurveda prescribes extracts of fetal carcin ..
Tint - the invention of Korean cosmetologists, for a long time remained in the beauties of Asian beauties. Today, this dye is covered by the attention of many famous brands. In contrast to the usual lipstick and gloss, titanium ..
Toning is one of the main stages of skin care. Tonic is a solution of the final cleansing of the skin. With it removed the remains of cosmetics and makeup, excess sebum. Why the need for the tonic? The main purpose tonic to ..
Serum is a concentrated product containing 5-7 active substances. The enormous popularity of serums in modern cosmetology is due to their high efficiency, texture ease, fast skin reaction to the action of the nutritional component ..
Очищающие косметические средства позволяют клеткам кожи получить максимальное количество питательных веществ, средства в креме, сыворотке или маске. Кроме того, удаление ороговевших мертвых клеток с поверхностью кожи делает ее гла ..
Potassium mineral is a number of vital elements for human health. Minor deviations in the amount of potassium to a greater or lesser extent affect the normal function of human organs. The amount of this mineral in the body should ..
Hyaluronic acid or hyaluron is an important element of all body tissues. Half of it is in the skin. Hyaluron forms an intercellular substance, the space where the cells are located. The function of the acid is to ensure the nor ..
Spirulina is a blue-green alga that has concentrated about 2000 chemical compounds in the form of minerals, vitamins, amino acids and enzymes. This is the only plant of its kind that has not changed for hundreds of millions of yea ..
Curcuma or turmeric, like many plants of Thai medicine and cosmetology, is characterized by universal properties. In this case, most of these properties are clearly expressed and gives the right to put turmeric in a row with plant ..
Massage with cellulite using natural cosmetics from Thailand is the most effective method to combat this problem. With age, as a rule, unaesthetic "orange peel" is formed on the hips, buttocks, and stretch marks appear o ..
Peking grass or Murdannia (Murdannia loriformis) comes from southeast Asia. Murdannia is known for several millennia. In Thai medicine, the leaves of the plant are used. The people of them just make tea, eat every day. In Russia, ..
Himalayan salt — a miracle from the top of the world Pink Himalayan salt is mined in Pakistan. The extraction is carried out manually, without the use of explosives, which usually contaminate the salt, and exhaust from mach ..
Thai bears will help to gain good habits The problem of obesity is taking a planetary scale. According to statistics, in 2013 the number of people with overweight has reached 2.1 billion or 1/3 of the total population. Russia is ..
Bee venom: the effect of Botox The latest research in the field of apiology allow scientists to put an equal sign between the bee venom and the injections of Botox. Today, bee venom or apitoxin is recognized as a powerful natural ..