Lycopene: find health in the refrigerator

Lycopene: find health in the refrigerator

We are sure that you did not suspect that a nutrient as rich as lycopene is hidden in your kitchen. For example, a tomato. That's right, Lycopene is the king among the nutrients. It has multiple health benefits and can help in the prevention of deadly diseases and conditions, such as cancer and macular degeneration.
Features of lycopene:
Many people do not know about the existence and importance of this nutrient in their diet. As a result, they lose a vital component in maintaining a healthy body and mind. Here are some features that allow you to place lycopene at the top of the nutrient table:
It is a carotenoid (an organic pigment that can be converted to vitamin A)
These are phytonutrients (organic nutrients present in plants that have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects)
This antioxidant (neutralizes the effect of harmful free radicals by oxidation)
It prevents damage to DNA
It can not be manufactured by the human body and should be included in our diet
It gives red color to fruits and vegetables, such as tomato, watermelon, papaya and pink grapefruit
This fat-soluble nutrient
Sources of lycopene:
Having established that our body can not produce lycopene, it is important to know which foods are the best sources of this nutrient. Although many vitamin supplements include lycopene at recommended doses, it is wise to include it in your daily diet by adding all the products present in the red spectrum. Some are easy to find.
The best and most affordable source of lycopene sits right on the vegetable shelf of your refrigerator.
1. Tomatoes:
contain the maximum amount of lycopene. When using a fresh fruit, they easily provide you with daily needs for lycopene. But, surprisingly, when tomatoes come in the form of ketchup, soup and other cooked forms, they produce three times more lycopene than fresh fruit! Remember: the more ripe, the darker the tomato, the more it contains lycopene.
2. Pink Guava:
Again, the key word is "pink" or "red". Pink and red guavas also have a high content of lycopene. In addition to lycopene, guava is also a good source of vitamins C, Omega-3 fatty acids and fiber. Choose a red or pink guava to make up for a lack of vitamins when you feel that you lack these vital elements.
3. Watermelon:
Ripe watermelons have such a beautiful red shade, which makes them mouth-watering for most people and with good reason. The brain is perfectly set to recognize brightly colored food as a good source of various vitamins and nutrients. The presence of Lycopene makes watermelon a favorite among many others. It is also a good diuretic and a source of fiber.
4. Papaya:
The reason you should eat this fruit is that it is an excellent source of lycopene.
5. Pink grapefruit:
This slightly bitter fruit is the gold vein of vitamin C and lycopene; almost as much as a tomato. This fruit is also known for its cholesterol-absorbing properties.
Caution: people prone to the formation of kidney stones should avoid this fruit.
Advantages of lycopene for skin:
Nutritionists and nutrition experts have long been touting many of the benefits of lycopene for the skin. From treating sunburn to reducing the risk of skin cancer, this nutrient does everything.
1. Ultraviolet skin damage:
It is generally known that UVA is responsible for most of the skin damage caused by exposure to the sun, as it penetrates deep into the skin, and UV-B is the one that causes sunburn, as it is more urgent. Studies have shown that the use of foods high in lycopene in the diet in addition to sunscreen products can reduce skin damage caused by exposure to UVA and UVB.
2. Properties against aging:
When ingested, lycopene turns into vitamin A or retinol. Retinol is one of the best ways to reduce the effects of aging, as it promotes the production of collagen and melatonin, which regulate the general condition of the skin.
3. Reducing skin redness:
It has been shown that lycopene significantly reduces erythema or redness of the skin. It can also soothe rough skin, promoting the growth of new skin cells.
4. Skin lightening:
The soft nature of lycopene contributes to the functioning of melanin, which regulates skin color. It has been shown that this reduces skin darkening and age spots.
5. Antioxidant properties:
Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant, and the fact that it is natural and organic makes it the best for the skin. It has been established that the antioxidant properties of lycopene are twice as high as that of beta-carotene. Therefore, it can be used to more quickly and effectively detoxify the entire body, including the skin.
Advantages for hair:
Considered by scientists as cells