Spirulina is a treasure since the time of the universe

Spirulina is a treasure since the time of the universe

Spirulina is a blue-green alga that has concentrated about 2000 chemical compounds in the form of minerals, vitamins, amino acids and enzymes. This is the only plant of its kind that has not changed for hundreds of millions of years. Its genetic structure is preserved without any mutations, in its original form. While other species of plants and animals have been constantly changed.
In nature, the plant is found in the ocean and in lakes. Many species of this plant are known, but a person uses only two of them.
The first spirulina began to be consumed by the Aztecs. Scientific studies of the properties of these algae began their history only 30 years ago. In many research institutes of the world, work is underway to discover the inexhaustible possibilities and useful properties of spirulina. Despite numerous discoveries of the properties of a unique plant, research continues to amaze with new possibilities of spirulina.
The nutritional value
Scientists, basing their research on the useful properties of spirulina, call algae the most complete source of nutrition.
    70% of the alga consists of protein compounds.
    In 1000 times beta-carotene in sperulin is more than in carrots.
    A teaspoon of the plant contains a full daily norm of vitamin B12.
    Such nutritious foods as sturgeon, red and black caviar, eggs, etc. remained far behind compared to the nutritional value of spirulina.
    1 gram of unique alga can be replaced by the amount of nutrients 1 kg of vegetable mix.
Other equally impressive data formed the basis of research by NASA scientists who develop food for astronauts.
Application in medicine
Healing properties of spirulina have found an active use in folk and traditional medicine. Active components of the marine plant make it the most powerful means for curing and preventing a number of diseases, and also improve health, thereby improving the quality of life.
    Clears from toxins and toxins, removes carcinogens from the liver and excess of female hormones.
    Positively affects the potency and libido, making sesualnuyu life I rkoy and saturated.
    Not bad proved itself as a means for arthrosis.
    Helps to fight alcohol dependence, suppressing cravings for alcohol.
    Supplies brain cells with essential nutrients, which improves memory and increases mental ability.
    Normalizes the level of cholesterol, helps prevent the accumulation of "harmful" cholesterol and the formation of blood clots.
    Helps with nervous disorders, with severe mental fatigue, insomnia, shortness of breath and arrhythmia.
    The anticancer property gives spirulina a unique substance - phycocyanin (the most powerful antioxidant). This blue pigment is found exclusively in this plant.
    Normalizes the functions of the pancreas, preventing and eliminating its pathology.
In addition, spirulina is actively used in the treatment and prevention of colds, diabetes mellitus type II, allergies. In Thai medicine, spirulina is also recommended as a means of increasing hemoglobin, an immunostimulant. Capsules with spirulina help to debug the metabolism, which leads to weight loss. And this is not a complete list of the possibilities of blue-green algae.
Spirulina in Thai Cosmetology
Thai producers spirulina is actively used for preparing rejuvenating face masks. Masks nourish the skin, penetrating deep layers of the skin. The active substances start the process of cell regeneration, which leads to a qualitative skin rejuvenation, makes it resilient, healthy, well-groomed. Masks help to maintain the oval face, slowing the aging process.
Also, masks with spirulina effectively eliminate acne, acne, do not spread to bacteria.
Linolenic acid found in spirulina (except for it, the acid is found only in human milk), effectively cleanses the skin, removing toxins from it. Restored cell metabolism leads to rapid skin rejuvenation.
Scientists studying the healing properties of algae, an element such as tyrosine is discovered in spirulina. It has a powerful anti-aging property. Tyrosine is able to activate the activity of hair follicles, and prevent the appearance of gray hair. This element of scientific researchers for its incredible antioxidant capabilities is called the "elixir of youth."
The online cosmetics store has several types of face masks and hair with spirulina. In addition, here you can order capsules with spirulina extract at a low price. The purchase in our online store excludes fakes. The authenticity of the product is guaranteed by direct deliveries from the manufacturer.