Potassium is a delicate matter. An important mineral

Potassium is a delicate matter. An important mineral

Potassium mineral is a number of vital elements for human health. Minor deviations in the amount of potassium to a greater or lesser extent affect the normal function of human organs. The amount of this mineral in the body should be preserved in the outskirts from 160 g to 250 g, depending on the age of the person.
What is potassium used for?
Functions of potassium in the body affect almost all organs at the cellular level. Strict observance of the balance of this mineral is recommended for sport lovers, diets, and elderly people.

Potassium in the body affects the healthy activity of muscle tissue. So, they are provided with good work of the heart, in particular the myocardium.
The mineral retains the normal kilo-alkaline background, balances the water-salt and carbohydrate-protein metabolism, maintains the equilibrium of the liquid, stabilizes the pressure, transforms glycogen from glucose.
In addition to beneficial effects on muscle tissue, while in compounds with other elements, potassium supports the life of all soft tissues. And this is an established work of the brain, blood vessels, liver, kidneys, capillaries, glands, etc.
Due to the content of potassium salts in cells, excess fluid is removed from the body in a timely manner, which leads to elimination of puffiness, timely urination. Prevents the accumulation in the body of sodium salts.
Protecting the body from fatigue, potassium prevents chronic fatigue.
Also potassium activates some enzymes, the transmission of nerve impulses. Potassium - an indispensable element that prevents the development of sclerosis.
The daily rate of potassium consumption
The amount of potassium needed by the body is determined by a number of indicators: the weight of a person, his physical activity, physiology, and sometimes the living conditions.
Experts recommend a day to eat at least 2 g for adults with 18 years of age. Athletes and people whose work is physically challenged, the daily intake of mineral should be increased to 2.5 - 5 g. It is excreted from the body of potassium as much as consumed, so the lack of this mineral is a rather frequent phenomenon. Children are calculated daily norm by weight - 15-30 mg per 1 kg of weight.
Lack of potassium in the body
It is difficult to overestimate the functions of potassium in the body. Chronic lack of it causes a number of diseases associated with the heart, with arterial pressure, with the appearance of erosion of the mucous membranes. Also a lack of potassium can cause the termination of pregnancy. Particular attention to the balance of this element in the body should be given in the spring.
Symptoms of potassium deficiency:

Dry and lifeless skin and hair;
Lethargy in the muscles;
Shallow breathing;
Multiple urination;
Frequent fatigue;
nausea and vomiting;
Decrease in mental activity.
High lack of potassium leads to pains of a neuralgic nature, and in children can cause diarrhea, vomiting and even paralysis.
What causes potassium deficiency:

Low use of microelements;
Violation of potassium metabolism;
Dysfunction of the kidneys, lungs, intestines, skin, ie. Excretory system;
Frequent use of laxatives, diuretics or hormone-containing drugs;
Nervous overwork, frequent stress;
High content in the body of substances such as rubidium, cesium, etc.
A large intake of salty foods, coffee, alcoholic beverages also causes potassium deficiency.
Overabundance of potassium
A high level of substance in the body, like its deficiency, can cause a number of diseases, including severe ones. Unacceptable to health specialists find a norm of 6 grams, and 14 grams of mineral will cause the death of the body.
An excess of mineral can cause:

Anxiety, excessive activity, irritability;
Weakness in muscles;
Violation of cardiac activity, arrhythmia;
Increased urination;
Persistent colic, etc.
What causes lead to excessive accumulation of potassium in the body? These include renal dysfunction, malnutrition, metabolic disorders, diabetes, overdose of potassium drugs.
Thai cosmetics and capsules with potassium
The online cosmetics store from Thailand represents a large selection of cosmetics, which include potassium, as well as nutritional supplements (BAA) containing this vital element.
It is enough to enter the word "potassium" in the search string of the site, as soon as the products of natural cosmetics with potassium will appear. And this mask for the face, teas, capsules, cream, hair masks, oils, soap. Do not be confused by low prices for goods, they are caused by deliveries directly from the manufacturer, which completely excludes forgery.