Garcinia: vegetable endorphin against fat

Garcinia: vegetable endorphin against fat

In the home of its growth, Thailand and Cambodia, Garcinia Cambodian is used as a condiment for salads, a preservative for fish preparations. It is used to give the food satiety. Indian Ayurveda prescribes extracts of fetal carcinia skin as a remedy for rheumatism, with delays in menstrual cycles, with digestive system failures, from worms, in dysentery and in benign neoplasms.
Today, an extract is extracted from the fruit, from which hydroxyl-ammonium acid is extracted. Basically, 60% of the acid is contained in the fetal skin. This acid is the main element in the fight against excess weight. Supplements, in which Garcinia is included, contain acid 50-80% of the basic composition. Effective weight loss occurs when taking an acid within 250-900 mg three times a day for an hour, half an hour before meals.
Unique properties of Garcinia
All the properties of Garcinia Cambodian are based on its active substance hydroxyl ammonium acid.
It keeps the feeling of hunger. Garcinia extract contains hydroxyl ammoniac acid. This element normalizes the glucose level. The brain perceives this as saturation and lowers the feeling of hunger. Acid also reduces the desire to eat sweet, flour and any other high-calorie food.
Prevents the absorption of fat. Hydroxylmononic acid slows the conversion of energy from carbohydrates to fatty deposits. Even if you eat something sweet, carbohydrates are practically not converted into fats.
Normalizes blood sugar. The acid suppresses the activity of enzymes that must convert surplus carbohydrates into internal fat (visceral, it is distributed around the internal organs, in the abdominal cavity). This is due to the activity of insulin with elevated sugar in the blood.
Struggles with "bad" cholesterol. Acid, not allowing the body to make fat reserves, prevents the occurrence of cholesterol, and also leads to normal metabolism.
Controls the amount of food eaten. Psychologists state that in almost 95 out of 100 cases, the emotional state of a person is guilty in the uncontrolled absorption of food. It's all about serotonin. Rising in the blood, serotonin lowers the appetite. Hydroxylmonic acid increases the level of the hormone of happiness. As a result, the subjects ate only 30% of the food from the normal rate.
Suppresses the conversion of fatty acids from carbohydrates. As a result, fatty acids are not deposited in the liver, and the liver, in turn, burns fats under the influence of biochemical processes.
Burns the available fats. Hydroxylmononic acid, controlling the activity of insulin, does not allow it to put fat in the cells and simultaneously withdraws the already existing fats from the open cells and burns them.
Once again: what happens?
Summarize. When consuming Garcinia Cambodian, a person's mood rises, he quickly becomes saturated. The level of serotonin increases, the craving for sweet, caloric decreases. A person can easily give up an extra portion of food, because saturation occurs three times faster.
It should be understood that the action of hydroxyl ammonium does not affect the central nervous system. Those. suppression of appetite occurs naturally, and not under psychotropic influence. Garcinia suppresses the appetite, leveling the blood sugar level and lowering the absorption of carbohydrates.
    Suppressed appetite.
    There is no craving for sweet and carbohydrate.
    There is no desire to "eat up" stress.
    Fat burning occurs even with 10 minutes of sport.
Suppressing appetite lasts about 7 hours by 45%, and during the day by 30%. Those. there is no perfect loss of appetite, there is only a drop in it. In other words, there is no uncontrolled "zhora".
Capsules for weight loss with garcinia
Thai capsules for weight loss with garcinia contain a natural plant material in the form of an extract from the skin and fruit of garcinia. Weight loss occurs naturally without side effects in the form of insomnia, diarrhea, weakness and other symptoms, which usually accompanied by weight loss. Capsules do not affect the nervous system. Customer testimonials indicate a gradual reduction in weight when there is no sagging of the skin, the appearance of wrinkles and unaesthetic folds.
You can buy slimming capsules in our online store. Low prices are due to the receipt of goods directly from the manufacturer. Thus, the forgery of the product is excluded.