Tint for lips: a bright transformation

Tint for lips: a bright transformation

Tint - the invention of Korean cosmetologists, for a long time remained in the beauties of Asian beauties. Today, this dye is covered by the attention of many famous brands.
In contrast to the usual lipstick and gloss, titanium has persistent pigments penetrating deep into the layers of the epithelium. This allows the paint to remain on the lips for a day, and is finally removed only with the help of special tools.
What is included in the composition?
The base of the tinter is gel or water. Thanks to this, the colorant is uniformly placed on the lips. As a resistant pigment, vegetable or artificial raw materials are used.
In addition, manufacturers often include nutrients in the composition, for example, almond oil, jojoba, shea, antioxidants. There are tints with a sun protection system, with the extraction of medicinal plants.
Such a composition makes tint not only a bright element of make-up, but also an effective caring agent.
What are the advantages?
    Persistence. Tint does not disappear during meals when drinking, does not leave greasy marks on the glass. Great for relaxing on the beach, because not washed with water.
    An alternative to tattooing. At the same time, it's cheaper by several orders, you can change colors, because keeps within a day.
    Variety of color palette. It is easy to choose the right shade.
    Economical. The durability of the device allows one tube to be used for 3-4 months.
    Impeccable look. Tint does not roll, does not smear, does not go beyond the edges of the lips.
Makeup artists recommend using water tint types in the browning of the cheeks, applying a small amount of paint on the face and quickly shading it.
Types of tinter
Frosted. Steadily held for 10 hours, the texture is light. The agent lies evenly. For daytime make-up, you can restrict to single-layer application. If the lips often dry, then you can grease them with a balm a few minutes before the tint.
Tint-film. The use of this novelty differs from the usual and requires some experience. The lips are covered with a thick layer of paint, soaked for 10 minutes. During this time, the pigment inks will be absorbed. After the time elapses, the formed film is removed. The color of the lips will last all day.
Lipstick-tint. The product has a wide range of shades, both natural and saturated. On the lips lies a neat layer, not smeared, not rolled down. Resistance slightly lower than other similar means - up to 5 hours. Therefore, it is recommended after the meal to update the makeup.
How to apply tint correctly?
First of all, lips need to be prepared. To do this, they are treated with a scrub to remove dry dead necks. Then the lips should be powdered or put a little foundation. Preparation will ensure a smooth application of the decorative agent, while the existing cracks and roughness will not bloom with unaesthetic stains.
The easiest way is to apply the tint applicator. A small amount of the drug is applied to the lips with dots, and then quickly distributed over their surface. It should be borne in mind that the tint is very quickly absorbed. With unhindered application, the product may lie unevenly.
To get a natural effect, feathering is done with a clean applicator or with a finger. Several layers of the product give a more intense shade. The volume of the lips can give the usual shine applied over the titanium.
How to remove tint?
Daily use of a persistent remedy does not allow you to remove it overnight. This will happen naturally, until the cells soaked in the pigment gradually die out.
With infrequent application of the remedy, you can remove it with cosmetic milk. Moistened with milk disk massaging movements remove the paint from the lips. For the same purpose, any vegetable oil is suitable.
Tint in Thai cosmetics
In the online cosmetics store, several types of tint are offered to visitors. So, the gel tint with the effect of diamond shine has very persistent pigments penetrating deep into the skin of the lips, providing them with a pearly shade. Tint has protection from the sun, does not remove during eating and drinking, steadfastly tolerates kisses, leaves no traces on clothes, is not smeared. The ultra-strong tint, which is applied with the help of an applicator and forms a film, is in great demand among customers. The film is carefully removed after 10 minutes, leaving a beautiful coloration of the lips.
All tints have several color options, from which you can choose the most suitable one or order tints of several shades.