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Traditional Thai ointment Tiffyrub cold (60.00 g)

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* Volume:
270RUB 270 р.

 Traditional Thai folk ointment Tiffyrub cold and at the first sign of SARS on natural herbs and essential oils. Recommended for use in the treatment of acute respiratory disease, SARS, nasal congestion, headaches, sore throat and discomfort when swallowing. Ointment has a warming and healing effect on the organs that fight the virus. In the short term it relieves symptoms of flu and colds, increases the body's resistance to viruses and infections. Relieves headache, prevents the development of sinusitis and otitis media, freeing up the maxillary sinus and removing the swelling of the mucous.
 How to use: apply ointment on the upper chest and back, neck and collarbone. At a cold and nasal congestion means to put on whiskey and nose. When headaches put ointment on the temples.
 Volume: 20 grams; 40 grams.

Tags: pharmacy, Thai
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Хорошая мазь, меня спасает. При простуде нос забивает намертво, я спать не могу, капли помогают на полчаса, потом опять как рыба ртом воздух хватаю. Мазь отрыла для себя недавно и очень довольна, она мне хоть жить во время болезни помогает.
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Gross weight:
270 р.