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Ointment for colds and for inhalation VickS Vaporub (70.00 g)

  • Product Code: 1/173
  • Gross weight: 70.00 g
  • Stock: In stock

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* Volume:
270RUB 270 р.

Ointment for colds and for inhalation VickS Vapo Rub is not just a balm, but a universal super remedy that saves you from colds.
VickS Vapo Rub has many medicinal properties, such that you will be overwhelmed:
1. Helps to breathe freely. Recommended for inhalation.
2. Reduces cough. Especially useful for people with nocturnal coughs and very young children.
Apply to feet and chest, and wear socks and sweater at night.
3. Relieves muscle pain.
Vicks improves blood circulation by relieving pain and heaviness in the muscles.
Apply the ointment to the affected area and leave it on overnight.
4. Eliminates toenail fungus.
Massage the finger with the ointment on which the fungal infection is found, within 1 day the nail will darken.
After that, the diseased nail will grow back and it can be cut off, the infection will not go to the nail plate again.
5. The ointment is used to stop the cat from scratching the furniture.
Cats do not like this smell and will never come close to it.
6. Get rid of the headache.
Apply a small amount of VickS Vapo Rub to the temples and forehead to relieve headaches.
The smell of mentholatum will reduce the strain on the head.
7. Helps to fall asleep easily.
If you have a humidifier at home, add VickS Vapo Rub to it and it will be much easier to breathe.
Or simply mix Vicks with water and place on the essential oil stove.
8. Helps prevent wound infection.
The ointment helps prevent the wound from getting infected and heals faster.
9. Repels mosquitoes.
Method of application: for inhalation, dilute 2 teaspoons of the ointment in hot water and breathe for 10-15 minutes over the vapor.
To warm up, apply to chest and back overnight.
Volume: 10, 25 grams.

Product Reviews
В детстве мне лучше всего помогали горчичники. Но теперь это уже прошлый век. При простудах в семье лечились привычными средствами. Таблетки, сиропы, ингаляции, чаи, порошки, капли. Для детей детское, нам с мужем и мамой взрослое. Индиан Вик универсальна. Всем подходит и самое главное помогает. Заменяет целую антипростудную аптечку. С заложенностью справляется на раз, а при легкой простуде на ночь намазать грудь и спину и утром как новенький. Главное подключать мазь на начальных этапах простуды.
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