For the full functioning of the body and immune system support person must be a huge number of diverse nutrients. The lack of some element or vitamin can lead to serious disruptions in the normal functioning of the body, ailments, and wasting diseases. Regular intake of multivitamins will help to fill a daily quota of nutrients, especially in the winter and the off-season, when there is no variety of fruit and vegetables in the markets. Reception multivitamin komples Multivitamin Preparation will help to support the immune system of adults and children. The unique complex of the well-known Thai producer, establish a process of metabolic reactions in the body, makes up for the lack of vitamins, help get rid of beriberi. Needless to say, that the raw materials for the manufacture of Multivitamin Preparation Thai multivitanminnogo complex used only high-quality and proven. Vitamins are biological compounds needed by the body for a full life. Vitamins play an important role in the chemical reactions of the body, the synthesis of food into energy. Vitamins are water-soluble and fat-soluble. Vitamin A is a major help in maintaining the health of the eyes, skin and mucous membranes. Vitamin A restores the bones and teeth, and also strengthens the immune system. B vitamins are the main friends of the central nervous system and the digestive system. Vitamin C protects the body from bacteria and infections, strengthens cells. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that prevents aging and wear and tear of all body systems. Vitamin K strengthens bones, hair, teeth, joints and ligaments. In the complex interaction Multivitamin Multivitamin Preparation course will help the body cope with all the seasonal sores, restore and enhance the health and immune system. The Multivitamin Complex Multivitamin Preparati include: Vitamin A 2500 I.U Vitamin D 200 I.U Vitamin B1 5.0 mg Vitamin B2 2.0 mg Vitamin B6 1.0 mg Nicotinamide, Vitamin PP or B3 5.0 mg Vitamin C 20.0 mg Tags: pharmacy, Thai