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Cream for hands and nails with blueberries from Neil (60.00 g)

  • Brand: KOREA
  • Product Code: 000607
  • Gross weight: 60.00 g
  • Stock: In stock
234RUB 234 р.

Gentle care and effective nutrition will give your skin a hand and nail cream with Neil blueberry extract. In its composition, in addition to the easily absorbable oil base, there are natural berry extracts that have a pronounced regenerating, rejuvenating and tonic effect. The cream quickly restores skin's natural softness, has a pleasant texture, delicate aroma and prolonged action. Just apply it in the morning and enjoy the feeling of tender care throughout the day.
Gentle hand protection - all year round
Hand skin is especially sensitive to temperature changes, and most of all it needs care in the cold periods of the year. But this cream can easily cope even with problems such as coarsening and chapping of the skin. Just one drop of this wonderful product provides effective care for your hands, strengthens, nourishes and protects it. And when applied to the surface of the nails, the cream has a restorative effect and helps to quickly soften the cuticle before removal.
Restore your skin tone and healthy glow after the first application of the cream. The reflective particles included in it will give your hands a well-groomed look and will allow you to quickly tidy even very coarsened fabrics, softening and moisturizing them. And with regular use, the cream will help to cope even with problems such as spasmodic phenomena and remove the unaesthetic vascular network from the surface of the hands.
Volume: 50 grams.

Tags: cream, hands, nails
Product Reviews
Недорогой тонизирующий и смягчающий крем. Очень нравится его текстура, запах приятный, впитывается хорошо - нет ощущения маски на коже. У меня ребенок маленький, весь день то купания, то стирка, то домашние дела. Кожа стала стремительно превращаться в шкуру рептилии какой-то - только что чешуйками не слезала. Заказала на вашем сайте первый попавшийся крем для рук, и попала в яблочко. Hand and Nail Cream от Nature Republic теперь у меня и в сумке для детской коляски, и на даче, и дома на прикроватном столике.
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