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Rejuvenating gel with vitamin E Yanhee BS Vis E Gel (100.00 g)

840RUB 840 р.

Yanhee BS Vis E Gel - body lotion with vitamin E. Intense moisture, get with it skin, is comparable using the wonderful elixir of youth and beauty. With this tool, you can significantly slow down the process of free radicals formation to saturate the skin with moisture and provide it with a pronounced lifting effect without significant cost. You will notice how smooth may be your skin now, without any additional effort.
Vitamin E - an integral component of regenerative processes. Without it is impossible to achieve pronounced rejuvenate and nourish the skin. And supplemented by other useful ingredients, has a strong antioxidant effect, it ensures deep penetration of nutrients into skin, gives softness and smoothness, improves the supply of oxygen to tissues. After the first application gel will provide skin smoothness and softness. And with regular use will help to normalize the lipid balance and provide externally visible rejuvenation and skin tightening.

Yanhee BS Vis E Gel - body lotion with vitamin E. you can Buy it just need every woman concerned with the problems of premature aging. With this tool, you can significantly slow down the process of free radicals formation to saturate the skin with moisture and provide it with a pronounced lifting effect without significant cost.
Presented in our online store is inexpensive, but its characteristics markedly superior to the products of many popular brands. Its constituent components are of high quality and completely safe for healthy skin. After the first application gel will provide skin smoothness and softness. And with regular use will help to normalize the lipid balance and provide externally visible rejuvenation and skin tightening.
Reasonable price and favorable terms of delivery, probably, will appeal to our loyal shoppers and new clients. And rejuvenating effect will make this gel is your favorite remedy for wrinkles.

Tags: acne, face, cream, yanhee
Product Reviews
Современные лифтинги стоят каких-то бешеных денег, а покупать дешевку я не хотела. В Тае попробовала гель от Yanhee BS Vis E Gel. В нем витамин E и еще масса полезных для кожи компонентов. Удивило, что недорогое, в общем-то, средство обладает выраженным подтягивающим и тонизирующим эффектом. Средство, привезенное с отдыха кончилось, купила его здесь - через интернет-магазин. Действует ничуть не хуже.
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