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High-element liquid calcium with vitamin D3 Mega We Care (220.00 g)

1,050 р. 1,290 р.

Mega We Care Vitamin D3 High Calcium Liquid for increasing bone mass and reducing the risk of osteoporosis
Calcium is an important mineral for healthy teeth and bones. Calcium supplementation in soft gelatin capsules forms liquid calcium along with vitamin D, which helps our body absorb calcium quickly and easily.
A combination of calcium and vitamin D is used to prevent or treat calcium deficiency. Calcium is a mineral that is naturally found in foods. Calcium is necessary for many of the normal functions of your body, especially the formation and maintenance of bones, and the prevention of osteoporosis. Vitamin D is important for the absorption of calcium from the stomach and for the functioning of calcium in the body.
Each capsule contains:

  • Calcium Carbonate 1500 mg
  • Providing 600 mg of calcium
  • Vitamin D3 0.2 mg (200 IU)

Mega We Care was founded in 1982, from Thailand to the world. Mega is engaged in the production, marketing, sale and distribution of quality pharmaceutical, nutraceutical and consumer goods (FMCG). Headquartered in Bangkok, present in 31 countries. Their manufacturing facilities, located in Thailand and Australia, have received international accreditation from renowned health authorities around the world regarding good manufacturing practices. They export to the Asia-Pacific region, the Middle East, Africa, the CIS countries, Latin America and Europe. Their business activity at all the main stages of the pharmaceutical industry's supply chain provides them with greater opportunities for continued growth through the realization of potential synergies arising from the coordination of our efforts in various business segments in individual markets.
Indications: prevention and treatment of calcium deficiency and vitamin D.
Method of application: 1 capsule twice a day.
Volume: 60 capsules.

Product Reviews
Помню еще в школе ела мел. Кальция не хватало еще тогда. Кости были хрупкие. Несильный удар и трещина. Поэтому и любимым волейболом перестала заниматься. Если береглась, то проблем особых это не доставляло. Но после сорока начали побаливать колени, тазобедренный сустав, голеностоп. Поняла, что запускать нельзя. Активно принимала препараты с кальцием. Но, видимо, не усваивались. А эти капсулы прямо мой вариант. После трех курсов боли исчезли, хруста нет, да и общее состояние супер.
Здравствуйте, Елена Детям с 12 лет, 1 капсула 2 раза в день
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