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Capsules for the treatment of stomach Mega we care Curcare Phytosome (140.00 g)

1,890RUB 1,890 р.

Best selling capsule for stomach treatment Mega we care Curcare Phytosome 250 mg (Meriva) turmeric extract in phytosomes that are best absorbed.

• Turmeric is the world's best-selling nutrient. Thailand exports this product for 12 million baht per year.
• More than 3000 studies around the world, the effectiveness has been studied and proven. Up to 12 grams of ingestion per day without toxicity to the body.
• Phytosome Meriva Curcumin 250 mg (contains 20% active ingredient).
• Contains 50 mg curcuminoids.
What is Curcare?
It is the most concentrated and most absorbable turmeric extract on the market. No side effects, as with modern drugs. Safe for the elderly and everyone.
Curcare is suitable for:
1. Helps to heal ulcers in the digestive tract (especially patients with gastritis, acid reflux, flatulence, bloating)
2. Reduces joint inflammation, pain relief instead of NSAIDs
3. Prevents complications in patients with chronic diseases such as diabetes, cancer.
Mode of application:
1. For the prevention of stomach diseases 1 capsule per day.
2. For the healing of ulcers in the digestive tract and gastritis 1-2 tablets a day, the result in 4 weeks.
3. To reduce joint inflammation and pain relief 1-2 tablets a day.
4. For the prevention of complications in patients with chronic diseases such as diabetes, cancer 2-4 tablets a day.
Volume: 30 tablets.

Product Reviews
Фастфуд и сухомятка дали о себе знать где-то год назад серьезным гастритом и почти постоянной изжогой. После этого резко изменила подход к питанию. Стало легче, но ненамного. Перечитала десятки страниц в интернете. Что-то заставило поверить именно в Curcare. Проблемы через полгода приема полностью исчезли. Но питаюсь я теперь правильно)))
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