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Lotion Antiseptic Payayor Calamine from Abhai Herb (100.00 g)

  • Brand: Abhai Herb
  • Product Code: 000542
  • Gross weight: 100.00 g
  • Stock: In stock
240RUB 240 р.

 Antibacterial lotion antiseptic PAYAYOR Calamine based on natural herbs. Therapy Lotion helps to cope with skin diseases caused by infections with skin irritation, inflammation and festering sores.
 Lotion quickly and permanently relieves itching and discomfort of insect bites during the period of healing of postoperative seams, abrasions, wounds and bruises. Helps easier to carry varicella (chickenpox), psoriasis, diathesis.
 The basis of the composition of the lotion-Asian plant extract and calamine klinokantusa Clinacanthus nutans. Herbs contain large amounts of antioxidants, minerals and zinc, which are effective in killing bacteria and viruses, as well as effective against herpes virus. Thanks to disinfecting properties of calamine and klinokantusa resolve boils, dry up and disappear pimples, acne.
 Antibacterial lotion dries and soothes inflamed skin, stopping the growth of bacteria and eliminating the focus of inflammation, clearing pores. Helps with rubella, chickenpox, psoriasis, ringworm, diathesis, insect bites, urticaria, allergic reaction.
 The lotion has an antiseptic effect, thus it promotes cell regeneration, preventing the formation of scar tissue that forms scars.
 When postoperative care lotion application significantly reduces the period of recovery, promoting rapid healing of wounds.
 How to use: anti-bacterial lotion Abhai Herb applied topically to the site of inflammation focus. With a cotton swab applied to the troubling part of the body and let it dry. Use as needed.
 Volume: 30 ml


Product Reviews
Лосьон практически универсальный. Дезинфицирует, успокаивает кожу и снимает воспаления. Со ссадинами и ободранными коленками на улице справляется на ура. Можно промывать мелкие ранки и царапины, при этом не щиплет, что важно для детей. Снимает зуд при укусах комаров, мошек и слепней - проверено. Хороший. Заботливый отец.
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