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Capsules complex of 6 oils Nature 6 Mixoil Capsules (120.00 g)

  • Product Code: 1/245
  • Gross weight: 120.00 g
  • Stock: Wait 2-5 days
910RUB 910 р.

Nature 6 Mixoil Health Oil Capsules are composed of 6 cold pressed oils including coconut oil, garlic oil, sesame oil, rice bran oil, soybean oil.

1. Cold pressed black sesame oil.
Nourishes hair, skin, nails. Helps with arthritis, bone pain, knee pain.

2. Coconut oil. ️
Reduces blood pressure, helps to lose weight, reduces blood sugar levels, flushes toxins from the body and kills bacteria.

3. Garlic oil. ️
Neutralizes free radicals and prevents cancer.

4. Rice bran oil.
Reduces blood cholesterol and the risk of obesity. Helps to keep the circulatory system working well.

5. Sesame oil. ️
Contains Q10 and Omega 3 to nourish the brain and memory.

6. Inca star oil (soybean oil). ️
Omega 3 6 9 add good fats and remove unhealthy fats from the body. Prevents and Reduces the Risk of Heart Disease

Method of application: 2 capsules daily.
Volume: 60 capsules.

Tags: pharmacy, Thai
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