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Thai seasoning Ros Diya Ajinomoto with chicken flavor (170.00 g)

  • Brand: Ajinomoto
  • Product Code: 000602
  • Gross weight: 170.00 g
  • Stock: In stock

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* Taste:
* Volume:
135RUB 135 р.

Wonderful Thai seasoning Ros Diya for any dishes: soups, fried meat and chicken, vegetables, omelets. Suitable for all marinades and sauces. The seasoning has a very rich and pleasant taste. It will give any dish a unique aroma and reveal the taste of all the ingredients of your culinary masterpiece.
An indispensable assistant in the kitchen. Experiment with new recipes, and Thai seasoning will only help you with that.
Suitable for any dish, it all depends on your imagination taste preferences.
Volume: 165, 425 grams

Tags: thai, cuisine
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