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Scentio Cherry Blossom Body Lotion (860.00 g)

  • Brand: THE BAKERY
  • Product Code: 001096
  • Gross weight: 860.00 g
  • Stock: Wait 2-5 days
1,380RUB 1,380 р.

Scentio Cherry Blossom Body Lotion provides an intensive fight against age-related changes on the surface of the skin. Rejuvenation at home is a reality today. With Scentio Daily Care Lotion, you can achieve the desired radiance and youthful skin in no time. The main thing is not to forget to apply it regularly. The benefits of coenzymes for preserving youthful skin have long been known. And in combination with effective protection from the sun and ultraviolet radiation, they also help to maintain the achieved results for a long time. Easy application provides comfort while using the product. The lotion does not irritate the skin, provides intensive regeneration and nutrition required for the tissues. And additional moisturizing agents retain moisture in the epidermis and help restore the natural beauty and freshness of the face. It has never been easier to buy Scentio Cherry Blossom Body Lotion. Just select a product in our online store and receive it with delivery at the most favorable price. And you can evaluate its effectiveness yourself - just place an order and receive your packaging for rejuvenation with delivery. Volume: 700 ml.

Tags: lotion
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Долго искала дневной крем для своей проблемной кожи. Нашла Yanhee Day Cream Q10 - очень нравится по-настоящему легкая текстура, впитывается практически мгновенно. Подходит как база под макияж - ценное качество, с учетом того, что я на работе провожу большую часть времени. Есть небольшой SPF-фактор, от палящего зноя не защитит, но как базовое средство - вполне стоит запрашиваемых за него денег. В целом, рекомендую для покупки - работает как надо.
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