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Администратор Елена

Yanhee stabilizer -20 (15 capsules daily) (150.00 g)

6,000 р. 6,600 р.

NOTE: our clients have noticed that on websites, also offer Thai cosmetics, use original photos of our shop smeared the trademark "Thai Care" and offer to sell courses of Yanhee Hospital, for a lower price! Please note that you are using our photos with a FULL courses of weight loss, but to sell in these shops offer PARTIAL courses, and the pictures make already down in the product description. Be careful! Don't be fooled by the lower cost!

Stabilization of indicators of body weight - a key factor in successful weight loss. It is not enough to achieve impressive results - some of them can achieve and by means of starvation or other extreme measures. You also need to learn how to keep the reached the bar, keeping the numbers on the scales in a pleasant and comfortable range.
You already have experience relapses when so hard dropped pounds come back, plunging self-esteem on the bottom of your personal scale? More recently, those who fell, there were two ways: the return to the rigid framework of self-restraint, or continued weight gain. Today there is a third alternative - course "Thai bears. Stabilizer" from Yanhee intended to consolidate the results of the weight loss drugs basic programs of this manufacturer.
When you order capsules buyer receives the complex for a two-month drug scheme through the day. In this case, along with one of the basic courses of the duration of the reduction of body weight will be 12 weeks, which is consistent with a healthy rate of weight loss and does not entail harm to health.
Supporting course - for those who want more?
It happens that even an incredibly effective "Thai bear" takes time to "accelerate" slow metabolism, returning it to normal. In this case, the rate of weight loss during a standard course may not be the most impressive. And this adversely affects the General attitude of the person wanting to lose those extra pounds as a magic wand. Not satisfied with the result and want to lose weight next? For reviews of those who have experienced the effect of the course "Thai bears. Stabilizer", sometimes the weight starts to actively go in the fifth or sixth week, when the base course is fully completed. Connected it may be with the individual characteristics of the organism, and the degree of detoxification required by your body.
Do not forget about what has value and percentage of adipose tissue. Women and men who have a large amount of muscle mass, subcutaneous fat go much slower and require more time. The result of weight reduction in this case is "drying" of the muscles and obtaining the desired relief, while the main purpose of the drug is, nevertheless, get rid of significant amounts of adipose tissue.
Diet and gym: allies or adversaries "Thai bear"?
Even losing about 10 kilograms of excess weight, a person can face such a common problem like loss of elasticity and skin tone. What can we say about when the results reduce body weight show a more impressive performance. Of course, you can go to the gym (which, incidentally, does not always solve the problem of sagging skin) or directly on the table of a plastic surgeon.
However, long-term practice specialists Yanhee General Hospital shows that you can do without drastic measures or serious casualties. Simply continue a regular course admission medications manufactured by the hospital to support the course "Thai bears. Stabilizer". And you will be able to fully appreciate all the benefits of this approach.
After the transition to a healthy diet, moderate physical activity and two months of reception of a stabilizing course will give you the chance not just to keep the desired body weight, but also improve the skin tone, allowing it to start the natural mechanisms of tissue regeneration. As for getting rid of stretch marks - the inevitable companions of reducing the volume of the body, today there are many popular and highly effective drugs for external use.
Do you need supporting?
Of course, not all reception-enabled rate is vital. But sometimes it really is not necessary. How to understand whether you need reception stabilizer? As arguments "for" can safely be considered the following points:

You already have the experience repeated breakdowns. And even during the reception of the basic course "bears" the organism continues to demonstrate the jump attacks of hunger, which cope only with the help of regular consumption of the drug.
Weight was stalled in a plateau for awhile and demonstrates the dynamics. High probability that the duration of this stagnation will be small. That's just the chance to learn about it, if you stop taking "bears".
Weight loss going at a steady pace, but you would like to reduce body weight by several pounds without changing your current lifestyle. In this case, you can continue taking the drug for two months in a sparing mode.
Some time after the completion of the main program weight loss you see the increase in body mass. In this case, the reception of supportive course can be started immediately.
You have already lost a significant amount of body weight and are ready to continue, but need to reduce the rate of weight loss. Supporting "bears" would be a good solution in order to arrange a little "breathing room", if the weight is too big to reset it with Overdrive.
The myths and realities of healthy weight loss
The beauty industry for many decades, sets unattainable standards, forcing women and men to continue the endless "running in circles" in pursuit of a beautiful body. Models in glossy magazines, barely spravilsia tenth anniversary, which nutritionists teach the whole world a "healthy" weight loss - a myth, as the rate of decline of body weight. Infamous 2 pounds per month your body simply will not notice, showing only the desired momentum due to the discharge of excess water, which easily comes back again.
Pills "Yanhee" work differently, offering a chance for the start-up of hidden reserves of the body, which, thanks to the balanced composition of the drug will be able to use in reducing body weight. In this case, the processes provided weight loss by improving metabolism and go the natural way - with comfort for your body speed. No wonder that "bears" are highly regarded experts in the field of weight loss not only in Thailand but also beyond. And those who have already tested their effectiveness on their own experience, know that it is with drugs, "Yanhee" lose weight not only quickly, but permanently.

Product Reviews
Всегда боялась похудеть и вместе со стройной фигурой обрести свисающую кожу, ведь куда-то она должна деться. Моя подруга по несчастью, имею в виду большой вес, приобрела в этом магазине курс похудения на 20 кг. Видя ее результаты, не столько на ней (хотя и она стала поаккуратней) сколько на весах, тоже решилась на тайские капсулы. Скажу по секрету, что весила я 137 кг, а подруга 142! Опасаясь резкого похудения, я для начала купила курс на -10 кг, а затем выписала стабилизирующий курс на -20, т.к. обещали, что кожа подтянется, а вес еще уменьшится. Действительно все так и случилось — в итоге я теперь вешу на 35 кг меньше, и кожа не весит. Вот уже месяц ни чего не принимала, а результат, только улучшается — сами собой ушли еще 4 кг (они входят в те 35). Я так понимаю, наш марафон по похудению на этом не закончится — будем худеть дальше с этими капсулами, чередуя основной курс с поддерживающим. Советую остальным не пренебрегать стабилизирующими капсулами, здесь вам все тоже похудение, плюс подтягивание кожи.
Я так понимаю, что стабилизирующие капсулы выбирают те, кто уже похудел на различных основных курсах. Почитав отзывы и взвесив все за и против, тоже решила воспользоваться закрепляющим курсом, что бы килограммы снова не вернулись. Против было только то, что придется опять раскошелиться. А плюсов оказалось множество: вместе с закреплением результата я еще скину порядка 20 килограмм в течение двух месяцев, при этом организм не будет подвергаться стрессу от потери веса, огражу себя от вероятности срыва, даже после прекращения приема вес будет понемногу сбрасываться и другие полезные нюансы. Тем более, что в эффективности препарата я удостоверилась лично — срабатывает на все 100%. Курс я выписала только сегодня. Как раз вчера закончила основной, с которым сбросила 16 кг. Рассчитываю получить свой новый заказ через пару-тройку недель, думаю, что к этому времени не поправлюсь. А вообще жалко, что не рассмотрела эту возможность раньше, лучше, наверное, было бы начать сразу после основного курса.
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