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Cream from freckles and age spots Cream Yanhee Lorg Fa (100.00 g)

570RUB 570 р.

Effective cream against freckles and age spots Cream Yanhee Lorg Fa have appreciated the winner of the intense pigmentation on the skin. With this tool, you can quickly and inexpensively to cope with the seasonal problem that plagues millions of women around the world. Thick and dense texture of the cream is gentle to surface of skin, lining tone, moisturizing and giving Shine. And included in the tranexamic acid and licorice extract help to get rid of even severe pigmentation without any hassle.
First appearance of sunlight on the skin there are pigment spots? Start to apply the Cream Yanhee Lorg Fa now to cope with the seasonal appearance of freckles and hyperpigmentation on the surface of the skin. And you will be able to ensure that affordable care can be truly effective and the effect on the skin - gentle and intense. Included in its composition natural ingredients work gently and carefully, bleaching and smoothing your skin tone without the hassle.

The opportunity to buy in our online store cream freckles and age spots Cream Yanhee Lorg Fa have appreciated the winner of the intense pigmentation on the skin. With this tool, you can quickly and inexpensively to cope with the seasonal problem that plagues millions of women around the world. Thick and dense texture of the cream is gentle to surface of skin, lining tone, moisturizing and giving Shine. And included in the tranexamic acid and licorice extract help to get rid of even severe pigmentation without any hassle.
Affordable price on high-tech cosmetics - the norm for manufacturers from Thailand, always taking into account the interests of its customers. Don't miss the opportunity to buy Cream Yanhee Lorg Fa now to cope with the seasonal appearance of freckles and hyperpigmentation on the surface of the skin. And you will be able to ensure that affordable care can be truly effective and the effect on the skin - gentle and intense.

Tags: acne, face, cream, yanhee
Product Reviews
Может, во Франции веснушки и считают красивыми. Меня они всю жизнь только раздражают. Как и большинство средств от пигментации - реально работают только те, что производят азиатские бренды. Не знаю, в чем там дело, но делают они их отменно. Вот, к примеру, Yanhee Cream Lorg Fa отлично справляется и с пигментацией, и с веснушками. В общем, при постоянном использовании лучше средства не найти.
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