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Администратор Елена

Course for weight loss Yanhee -10 (12 capsules daily) (150.00 g)

5,700 р. 6,300 р.

Problem comfortable reduce body weight without severe restrictions on caloric intake is acute for a lot of men and women. And often "extra" pounds is not more than 10, but they are deposited exactly where you least would like them to be. Someone to solve the problem radically - with surgery. But, as practice shows, this measure is not always necessary. After all, International hospital "Yanhee" long found a means for safe and efficient weight reduction of up to 10 pounds in just 28 days, and it works no worse than liposuction or hungry diets.
To start with the legendary "bear" from Yanhee its creators recommend here of course "10 kilograms". Regardless of what your starting weight, it will be the beginning of the path to the desired slim body. And even if the ultimate goal of weight loss - the loss of tens of kilos, the first thing you will need to prepare the body for action of increased doses of biologically active substances. And with this task easily cope it's initial rate "bears Yanhee".
Fast results - without consequences
First, what are you afraid of all of losing weight: side effects that like to scare their clients planning to start taking drugs to reduce body weight, nutritionists. Of course, if you accept bought "under the counter", to predict the outcome. But capsule "Thai bear" from Yanhee hospital do not have this drawback. Because of their development was attended by unique specialists, whose professional reputation is well known throughout the world.
Many years of practical experience in dealing with patients needing to control body weight, let the doctors of the International hospital "Yanhee" create unique properties of the product, which is based solely on the basis of natural plant and mineral components.
Taking a "Thai bear" you can be sure that you are getting the optimum in its composition program to reduce weight, which is:

regulates the appetite, providing the possibility to control the feeling of hunger and excessive calorie intake;
 helps in the short term - only 4 weeks to lose three to 10 pounds (depending on the percentage of fat mass and individual body parameters);
does not require the exclusion from the diet of a lot of your favorite foods;
developed and tested in the clinic, not in the laboratory, where the performance tests can be very subjective;
fits all - men and women, with any indicators of body weight and physical condition.

Why do you need Thai bears "10 pounds" from Yanhee?
Tired to fight the "plateau" in weight reduction, in which the numbers on the scales froze like glue? Postpartum hormone disruption turned into ten pounds around the waist? To control appetite during menopause has become virtually impossible? You definitely need to buy Thai bears a rate of "10 pounds" with which to solve these and many other common problems with weight gain can quickly and without returning to old habits and volumes.
Want to know the real secret of harmony models? Of course, it's not a diet or a flawless genetics. Most of them help to control your weight special medications. Just those chasing instant success, choose chemicals. And beauty, wish to permanently secure your success, buy Thai bears - legendary "bears Yanhee" which will lose weight slowly but every day, without jumps and plateaus.
Unbelievable but true: helping to find harmony, these capsules and even contribute to the improvement of most body systems. So, they have a beneficial effect on aspects such as painful menstruation, help to reduce the severity of the hormonal effects of menopause, regulate the gastro-intestinal tract. After receiving the "bears" you can get rid of annoying acne, dermatitis and chronic allergies - the drug promotes intensive detoxification, eliminating the causes of skin rashes. And all this - in addition to reducing body weight, pace of which will delight you each week.
Time 28 days
What can you do in 28 days? To vacation on the sea. To fall in love and break up with a lover. Send out a hundred resumes and get your dream job. To plan a wedding and get married. Or to lose up to 10 pounds of weight that is on the path to your active and happy life, and, finally, choose the store the coveted dress size or try on a bold micro-shorts for a trip to the beach. Of course, you can dream about the ideal figure and sigh about unattainable results, sincerely believing that good results can be achieved by a very stubborn girl with a will of iron. But it is better not to wait for a couple of extra pounds will become a serious problem. Because to achieve fast weight loss is possible with the course "Thai bears -10 pounds."
In just 28 days course of reception of natural capsules will help to achieve impressive results. With them to lose 3 to 10 pounds without dieting and workouts in the gym will not be difficult. But, more importantly, to "work" for the benefit of your body are not the chemical components and natural herbs and minerals, has incredible energy potential. For example, the famous Pueraria Mirifica, which has the ability to regulate the appetite, cleansing the digestive tract Senna or having the ability to accelerate the metabolism Oriental ginger.
The rules of admission
Make "Thai bear" should, strictly adhering to the scheme recommended by the manufacturer. In particular, it prescribes separately to take "daytime" and "night" capsules. In addition, you should be ready for some features in the health - adaptation, on average, it takes about weeks. When pronounced symptoms of nausea, frequent urination, sweating should be in the first 7 days to change the regimen (every other day to take the capsules in the normal volume). However, these symptoms are observed is not always - it all depends on how large is detoxification needed by the body and are quickly replaced with normalization being.

Tags: body, beauty, slim
Product Reviews
Здравсвуйте Да, можно пить кофе для похудения Лида или лишоу С уважением
Хочется, но... не могу придумать, чем заменить кофе. Утром для меня кофе, это необходимость. У вас в ассортименте есть что-то, что подходило бы в этом плане к мишкам?
Заказал здесь капсулы для похудения, что бы к лету сбросить жирок, накопленный за зиму. Да к тому же собрался в отпуск в Абхазию. Оказалась удачная покупка, хотя когда сделал заказ — сомневался (столько нам говорят про вред и безрезультативность подобных таблеток), но похудеть без сильных нагрузок и без диет — заманчиво. Поначалу немного подташнивало, поэтому и аппетит уменьшился, но это буквально пару дней, потом все вошло в норму. Наверное, это индивидуально. Есть на самом деле стал меньше, потому что не было желания и аппетита. Быстрый сброс пришелся на третью неделю, в этот период я потерял разом 5 кг. На четвертой недели уже добивались последние 2 кг. Хотя скорей всего это может быть у всех по-разному. Вот уже неделя как не принимаю, а килограмм опять ушел. Капсулы разделены для приема утром и вечером — это удобно, т.к. помогает сориентироваться по количеству — принимал утором/вечером или нет, сразу видно. Как вновь решу подхудеть, то обязательно закажу здесь эти капсулы. Рекомендую.
Если кто-то хочет основательно похудеть, то тайские капсулы — отличная возможность! Испытала на себе! Восторгу нет предела, когда смотрю в зеркало! Всегда была полной, а с возрастом поправилась еще больше. Детей пока нет, но думала, что беременность может принести еще килограммов 10-20. Теперь, конечно, этого счастливого момента в моей жизни не опасаюсь. Заказала капсулы с выгодой — в совместной покупке, да еще и подарочек дали. В первый же день почувствовала, как снизился аппетит, а на второй день от десерта вообще отказалась. Дальше — больше. Между основными приемами пищи отпало желание перекусить. Из-за этого легко получилось установить режим питания, строго по часам. За 4 недели похудела на 11,300! Даже чуть больше, чем обещали, наверное, потому, что вес у меня был приличный (96 кг). Посмотрю, сколько во второй раз сброшу, т.к. заказала эти же капсулы, правда теперь самостоятельно, в группе СП не получилось. Но цена и так очень даже устраивает, тем более, что такой отличный результат получила.
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