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Администратор Елена

Face cream Baby Skin Yanhee Baby Face Cream (100.00 g)

900RUB 900 р.

Want to bring back memories of glowing health, young and beautiful skin? Then you just need to buy Yanhee Baby Face Cream - an effective tool with a complex action. With it, you will be able to achieve the desired goal - as soft as peach skin. Its constituent components give the lightening of pigment spots, intense hydration and nourishment of the skin. And the extracts of soy and tomato make a clearer outline of the face, eliminating the age-related changes, and demonstrate a pronounced lifting effect in problem areas.
Yanhee Baby Face Cream brings dreams to life, helping you achieve baby skin without any extra effort. Use it on a regular basis, dealing in soft circular motions twice a day on the massage lines of the face. And you can see the result in the first month of using the cream. Use it every day and just enjoy your reflection in the mirror non-stop, affecting the surrounding fresh, rejuvenated and rested appearance to your skin.

Want to bring back memories of glowing health, young and beautiful skin? Then you just need to buy Yanhee Baby Face Cream - an effective tool with a complex action. With it, you will be able to achieve the desired goal - tender as a peach skin. Its constituent components give the lightening of pigment spots, intense hydration and nourishment of the skin. And the extracts of soy and tomato make a clearer outline of the face, eliminating the age-related changes and demonstrating a pronounced lifting effect.
Who said to take care of themselves cost-effectively and efficiently - too difficult? Available the price at which you can buy Yanhee Baby Face Cream in our online store, brings dreams to life, helping you achieve baby skin without any extra effort. Use it on a regular basis, dealing in a circular motion twice a day on the massage lines of the face, and enjoy your reflection in the mirror non-stop, affecting the surrounding fresh and rested appearance to your skin.

Product Reviews
Большинство кремов, обещающих "эффект детской кожи", не оправдывает ожиданий. Но с Yanhee Baby Face Cream все вышло иначе. Оно действительно превращает вашу кожу в некое подобие персика, обеспечивает глубокое увлажнение, помогает заметно подтянуть контур лица. При регулярном применении лицо действительно выглядит более свежим, не "младенческое", конечно, но весьма впечатляющий эффект.
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