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Women's capsules Pueraria Mirifica capsules Pueraria (160.00 g)

732RUB 732 р.

Capsules based on plants from South-East Asia, Pueraria Mirifica for hundreds of years used by women in the region to preserve the femininity and attractiveness. It is truly a miracle plant in the form of capsules can be used by women all over the world to stay as long as possible young and sexy.
The composition and the effect of drug Thanyaporn Pueraria Mirifica capsules
The estrogen contained in Pueraria Mirifica, of plant origin, but they have a lot in common with a hormone that produces female body, but it is not. The effect of phytoestrogen more gentle to the body than synthetic analogue, so it is preferable for women. In addition to estrogen the plant contains in its composition of isoflavone, has antimutagene properties and actively opposes the emergence of cancerous cells.
It includes the use of capsules Thanyaporn Pueraria Mirifica capsules?
Breast augmentation and giving it elasticity. According to our tests, the first signs of an increase can be observed in a month, while the maximum increase occurs to the end of the third month. But keep in mind that each woman this process can be done individually. To get the result in shorter time is possible for the capsules to add cream and similar actions.
Menopause will be less painful with the use of capsules. Also it will calm the nerves and reduce the frequency of mood swings.
 Dull skin and hair, brittle nails – all this can be corrected after a course of taking capsules. Thanks to Pueraria, the body begins to produce collagen which leads to rejuvenation of the skin and reduce the depth of wrinkles.
To achieve the effect of rejuvenation, increased libido, breast growth you must take one to two capsules twice a day after meals.
Restrictions apply
Herbal remedies it is not advisable to take girls up to 20 years and during pregnancy.
Volume: 60 capsules

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