This drug is a unique medication in the world, created from ground snake meat, bile cobra and herbs, which is prescribed for the normalization of male sexual function. Snake Powder strengthens blood circulation in the penis, which provokes a stable and long-lasting erection. The powder will help to solve the problem of sexual weakness, premature ejaculation, prolong the time of sexual intercourse and increase sensitivity.
Also, snake powder is recommended for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, osteochondrosis, rheumatism, radiculitis, diseases of the back and legs.
Usage: in 700 ml of strong alcohol-containing beverage (vodka, whiskey, cognac) dilute the contents of the jar, thoroughly shaking until the particles of the snake powder are completely dissolved. Apply for 3-6 hours before sexual intercourse, while eating. Dosage for an adult male is not more than 1 cc. Spoonfuls of tincture (20 ml)