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Snake capsules for the male genitourinary system Ya Sur Pean Wan (N3) (250.00 g)

5,730RUB 5,730 р.
Since the time of ancient China, it was believed that medicine based on snake components is a source of longevity and good health. Capsules for men based on snake components (including serpentine genitals and bone tissue) Ya Sur Pean Wan are necessary for the treatment of the male genitourinary system, prostatitis, inflammation of the bladder and kidneys.
Against the background of active strengthening of immunity, male capsules has a purposeful beneficial effect on the male sexual sphere, relieving of unpleasant and serious male ailments.
Snake capsules increase male sexual functions, potency, libido. Prolong the time of sexual intercourse and eliminate the problem of premature ejaculation. They relieve inflammation of the kidneys and urinary tract, support the healthy functions of the male sexual sphere, are the prevention of cancer of the testicles and the prostate. Recommended for the diagnosis of infertility in men.
Also, snake capsules restore the work of the digestive tract, treat the problems of the thyroid and pancreas, remove toxins and slags from the blood.
Recommended for strengthening the body.
Method of application: we draw your attention to the fact that snake capsules are quite serious dietary supplements and you should not neglect to take it. The course of treatment at least a month, a maximum of 2. Daily 2-3 capsules before meals, twice a day.
Volume: 160 capsules
Product Reviews
Здравствуйте. Я почти год назад вышел на пенсию. Думал, поживу в свое удовольствие. Но навалились проблемы с мочеполовой. Почки, мочевой, аденому нашли. Плюс с женщинами перестало получатся. В очереди у уролога мужчина посоветовал эти змеиные капсулы, дал телефон. Пью вторую неделю. Первый раз за полгода все получилось, в туалет по ночам встаю раз, а раньше 3-5. Настроение на подъеме. Спасибо. Буду обязательно периодически заказывать. Вот теперь и заживу на заслуженном отдыхе.
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