The most accessible and popular to date drug extra protection from unplanned pregnancy is considered to be known postinor. This potent pills, started to eliminate the probability of pregnancy from unprotected intercourse or a farce-mozhornyh circumstances where there is no possibility to use traditional means of contraception, or they were not quality. Sometimes it happens that in a burst of emotion, she simply forgets that her "dangerous" days, which are favorable for the occurrence of pregnancy. It is not uncommon when a condom breaks and is not protected sexual intercourse, what notice after completion of intimacy. It is in such cases medicine offers postinor, a drug that protects the body from adverse effects, and does not allow fertilization and fixing egg on the uterine wall. How to use: postinor available in blister with 2 tablets To prevent pregnancy Postinor first pill must be taken within 72 hours of intimacy. The second pill Postinor should drink 12 hours of receiving the first. In the case where after the first pill vomiting occurred, reception must be repeated. Admission Postinor does not depend on the day of the menstrual cycle. It clarifies that postinor is not the primary means of contraception. Protection via Postinor should be not more than once every 3-6 months. Postinor a drug for emergency contraception, resorted to in a few cases when other options to exclude pregnancy anymore. Volume: 2 tablets Tags: capsules, tablets