An excellent natural antiseptic, replaces iodine and green fodder, has healing properties to disinfect wounds and promotes faster healing and resorption of deep wounds, it does not burn. Antiseptic with mangosteen perfectly heals inflammation of the mucous membranes. Studies have shown that mangosteen extract has strong antibacterial properties and copes with free radicals, leading to wilting and slableniyu local immunity of the skin. Also extract of mangosteen is rich in tannin and tannins and gallic acid. In addition to the mangosteen peel found tannin capacitors (Pro-Voice, Proanthrocyanin and Pro-Tel) -mikrobiologicheskie agents, which have a very high antioxidant activity. They cropped inflammation and constrict the pores. Substances contained in the mangosteen peel destroy many kinds of bacteria, including the bacteria that cause gonorrhea. Xanthones have activity against fungi that cause dermatitis and eczema Mangosteen extract is safe, without side effects helps to keep the skin soft and clean, reduces inflammation. Suitable for pregnant women because it contains no harmful chemicals. Method of application: Apply a few drops on a wound, you can add cream for the face and body. Just perfectly heals inflammation of the mucous membranes. You can apply an antiseptic to clean the wet shell-cool cleanses pores and narrows them. Contraindications: not identified. Allowed the use of antiseptics in children, pregnant women and during lactation. Ingredients: 100% of mangosteen peel extract Volume: 30 ml Tags: Thai, Balsam, Pharmacy