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Slimming Capsules Garcinia + Senna Be-Fit Capsule (110.00 g)

465RUB 465 р.

 Capsules "Bi-Fit Slimming Senna and Garcinia" designed specifically for weight loss and are based on two natural ingredients - extract Senna and Garcinia. Components are the tonic and tonic that is good for your overall health.
 locus Garcinia - is Thailand and Cambodia. Thai nutritionists often can not do without the help of this plant in the preparation of special diets, fitness programs to combat obesity.
 Senna and Garcinia - is the most effective herbal combination of herbs in capsules for weight loss, accelerate metabolism, reduce fat tissue, cleansing the body and improving bowel
  This combination of herbs in Thai tablets "BE-FIT" restores peristalsis and removes toxins from the body, but by the content of Garcinia cambogia is suppressed hunger and burns fat tissue, which helps to reduce body weight and overall improvement of the body.
 Garcinia - contains HCA (hydroxycitric acid), which reduces the deposition of adipose tissue, lowers cholesterol levels and suppresses appetite. Thanks to the properties of Garcinia Cambodian has become quite popular among nutritionists, often a part of the anti-obesity agents, used in pure form or in combination with other herbs.
 Senna - a medicinal plant, has the ability to cleanse the body of toxins, toxins, and normalizes the nervous system, at the same time is not sedotivnym
  The use of capsules for growing thin BE-FIT: in a jar of 60 capsules to be taken daily with no gaps! Once a day, at bedtime take 2 capsules, wash down with clean water.
 The drug is safe, does not irritate the stomach and intestines, does not have a stimulating effect, not cause insomnia.

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