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Tropicana Coconut Oil Coconut Oil Capsules (90.00 g)

1,350RUB 1,350 р.

Tropicana Coconut Oil Coconut Oil Capsules are one of the most convenient and economical forms of coconut oil consumption. Tropicana capsules have a concentrated form of an extract of natural organic coconut oil.
Coconut oil capsules are good for:

Weight loss
Candida Mushroom Treatments
Reducing bad cholesterol
Increase good cholesterol
Hair loss treatment
Improved metabolism
Keeping skin attractive and healthy
Treating digestive problems
Fight against microbial infections

Coconut oil helps with diabetes, heart disease, chronic fatigue, Crohn's disease, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Alzheimer's disease. Improves the quality of life in people with breast cancer, thyroid diseases. Increases energy and improves immunity. Despite the high calorie content and fat saturation, coconut oil is used to lose weight and lower cholesterol.

Coconut oil moisturizes the skin, treats eczema and psoriasis.
Coconut oil contains a certain type of fat known as “medium chain triglycerides”. Some of these fats work differently than other types of saturated fats in the body.
Volume: 60 capsules.

Tags: thai, cosmetics
Product Reviews
Хроническая усталость это про меня. Отсюда все мои проблемы. Иммунитета почти ноль. Простужаюсь даже на летнем отдыхе. Как ковид не подхватила, сама удивляюсь. Выглядеть стала лет на 5 старше. Морщины, синяки. И к врачам не обратишься, вроде не с чем. Капсулы кокосовым маслом стала принимать на авось поможет, вреда точно не будет. Но не поверите, в моем случае сработало на 200%. Выгляжу на 5 с +, морщины разгладились, о простудах забыла. Капсулы пью сама и мужа заставила.
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