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Grape Seed Extract Herbal One  (90.00 g)

  • Brand: Herbal One
  • Product Code: 1/163
  • Gross weight: 90.00 g
  • Stock: Wait 2-5 days
1,200RUB 1,200 р.

Herbal One Grape Seed Extract 60mg contains important substances:

  • Oligomeric proanthocyanidin complexes (OPCs), one of the substances that make up flavonoids.
  • Prevents and Reduces Premature Aging
  • Normalizes pigmentation, strengthens collagen under the skin, gives the skin a fresh look.
  • Helps with obesity, reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.
  • Reduces cholesterol and triglycerides. Reduces blood pressure.
  • Protects blood vessels from free radical damage.
  • Treats clogged veins, varicose veins.

Composition: concentrated extract of 95% of grape seed 60 mg.
Contains oligomeric proanthocyanidin.
Mode of application:
1 capsule daily for skin care.
2-3 capsules for people with heart or vascular problems.
Volume: 60 capsules.

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