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Liquid balms from Thailand

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Liquid balms from Thailand
The legendary remedy of Thai medicine is a liquid balm from Thailand based on medicinal herbs, plant extracts and essential oils. These funds are suitable for home use, but are officially recognized by traditional medicine, therefore they are often presented in the recommendations of domestic doctors.
Why should you buy Thai liquid balm?
All balms and emulsions are made on the basis of traditional components of oriental medicine, therefore they are completely safe when used correctly. It will be possible to achieve the desired result only if the manufacturer's recommendations and doctor's prescriptions are followed. Manufacturers offer several options for traditional balms:
• Green balm has anti-inflammatory and soothing effects;
• The red product contains natural oils that warm up the muscles and relieve tension in the joints;
• The white version has a healing effect. The lightest and safest option that is great even for young children;
• Black packaging is used to strengthen bones and accelerate the healing of fractures.
Balms, oils and inhalers from Thailand are completely natural. Although the products are manufactured under standardized industrial conditions, traditional recipes are strictly adhered to during the manufacture.
We guarantee the quality and effectiveness of each product, as we purchase products directly from manufacturers. Cooperation with brands reliably protects our customers from buying a fake.
The packaging of each product contains detailed instructions that will help you understand the indications and contraindications for using the product, familiarize you with the features of use and safe dosages.