Please note that we can not guarantee every customer the desired result, because the reaction of the body of each individual in the course of weight loss.
Those who have at least once tried the original tablet "Bears" from Yanhee Hospital in Bangkok will know that it is a natural remedy for weight control really works - no loud advertising promises and demonstrations carefully crafted in Photoshop results of weight loss on customers photos. You will not find colorful pictures, calling for the immediate purchase of the drug in the glossy magazines. After all, the traditional beauty industry is not interested in people who want to lose weight, achieved sustainable results. But now "Thai Bears" absolutely legally be bought and Russia - the online store "Thai care", which means that the chance of achieving the desired body weight appears in thousands of women, desperate to retain endless "swing" unstable performance on scales
With popular courses Yanhee capsules, allowing just 28 days to lose 10 or 15-20 kg of body weight, familiar to many of our shoppers. But, ending the fight with overweight, every woman or girl is afraid that he could not hold the acquired results of their work. Until recently, it was a real problem. Until then, until the famous hospital "Yanhee" has offered an innovative solution. These capsules which are released in standard medical packaging, can now be taken not only in the usual way - for four weeks, but also as a support drug in the stabilization of weight reduction since it
The dosage regimen in this case is a bit different: the package is not enough at 28, and 56 days. After taking "Thai Bears" will need a day to provide your body the necessary support and continuing to regulate appetite by using a part of the natural components of the preparation.
Proper control of body weight - with a quality guarantee
The abundance on the market today "psevdotayskih" drugs untrained consumers long and confused. But people who already have experience of effective and safe weight loss, know that quality products do not need the bright wrapper and headlines in the press. They are engaged in the development of professionals who have dedicated their lives to the effective treatment of obesity. And the cornerstone is placed verified the composition of the drug and its safety for the health of consumers.
Preparations made "Yanhee" in the laboratory, to meet all international quality standards and are:
Safe and effective weight loss while respecting the recommended dosage regimen.
Securing the results achieved during the course of the preparation for the reception of "support" scheme.
Gently and gradually achieving results - up to the desired on the scales. You can lose as many kilos as you see fit, not torturing yourself diets and exercise in the gym.
Guaranteed weight loss, even those who have already tried all available means with no apparent results.
Science-based effects on the body, leading to the improvement and normalization of the digestive and endocrine systems. That is why the "bears" are so popular among women with severe PMS, disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, or severe symptoms of menopause.
Of course, supporting the exchange rate will not be as stunning effect as the first course taking the usual scheme of the drug. But with it, you can without too much trouble to lose even an extra 10 or 20 kilos in two months, effortlessly finding form of her dreams.
The effective loss of extra kilograms - without exhausting diets and gyms
Looking to the recruiting and triumphant smiles beauties of glossy magazines, it is difficult to imagine that they can experience difficulties with the control of body weight. But for those who, in the opinion of many, it is easy to lose weight, often simply do not reveal the source of his "good metabolism." Famous Thai tablets Thai Bears were once designed Yanhee Hospital is for those whose job it is to demonstrate excellent external data 24 hours a day. And the main task was to find a specialist natural ingredients that can achieve the desired results without any harm to the body - even during long-term regular intake
The work of doctors who devoted themselves to the search for innovative solutions in cosmetics, a success. Today it "bears" are one of the few drugs that do not have serious side effects. They do not cause dependence stable and can be used to serious weight loss and to maintain the desired results. Moreover, the only force that is required in this case, by reducing the weight of the patient - carefully follow the dosage regimen and monitor the achievement of the results on a daily basis
Modern beauty industry assures us that:
reduce weight without rigid constraints of the diet - it is impossible;
gym - the only way to health, even if it can make you disabled;
natural products may not be as effective as the latest achievements of pharmacology;
weight loss necessitates brittle hair and nails, skin problems and constipation;
constant feeling of hunger - a sure sign that you are on the right track
All these advertised postulates destroys not only the health of the woman, but also her self-confidence. The result is usually sad - bulimia or anorexia, and uncontrolled jumps of weight as a result of following the advice of pseudo-experts. But there is another way - without reverse weight gain, catastrophic exhaustion and problems with the work of the majority of the body's systems. After all, as a musical instrument, they need a thin and fine tuning wayward eating, rather than shock therapy involved on chemistry. And here come to the aid of the Thai Bears Yanhee, able to achieve the desired result without any load on the kidneys and liver, and with a guarantee of security for your health from the manufacturer.
Why natural remedies can be more effective than the chemical?
Most of us are sure: if there is no "magic pill" for harmony, it must necessarily be packed full of complex chemical compounds. Here are just a real experience suggests otherwise. The multi-billion infusion of cash in the beauty industry are not able to overcome the massive obesity in the United States and Europe. But among the residents of South-East Asia, where for thousands of years used to treat drugs traditional medicine, to find someone with a serious degree of obesity is almost impossible.
This factor is taken into account, and the creators of "Thai bears" who decided not to change the tradition from the beginning. The time-tested properties of plants and natural minerals are united in a unique combination, allowing the body to restore its natural health. As a result, the preparation of the hospital "Yanhee" is capable of providing a stable and permanently losing weight, keeping your hair, nails and skin radiant and beautiful, heart - healthy and mood - a great
What are the secret ingredients form the basis of trouble-free running of the formula of the drug?
Garcinia - a recognized leader in the fight against excessive appetite. This exotic plant is not only effectively fight with eating disorders, but also reduces the volume of the stomach, allowing you to maintain the results achieved in the future.
Senna - a means for the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract, which allows to effectively combat constipation
Rosemary - not only spicy seasoning, but also a recognized worldwide drug. It has a mild sedative effect, normalizes microflora, improves the work the gastrointestinal tract, improves blood circulation and helps in the prevention of venous diseases.
Valerian - component responsible for normalization of sleep and regulate the body's biological rhythms, contributing to the restoration of the natural metabolism
Ginger - a recognized leader in the fight against impaired lipid metabolism, fights fat deposits from within and helps accelerate the metabolism for more effective weight loss. Among other things, it causes a rapid feeling of satiety and allows the body to cope with increased appetite.
Selenium - a mineral that has a strong antioxidant effect. Improves the endocrine system, improves the absorption of vitamins E & D, strengthens the immune system.
Pueraria Mirifica - a real storehouse of valuable substances for women. It contains a natural estrogen, and it allows you to restore balance in the body, normalizes the endocrine system.
And this list is far from exhaustive, because of the "Thai bears" included just a dozen high-performance components, the complex allows to achieve impressive results.
Do I need a supporting course "Thai bears"?
You've already come a long way to the attainment of the desired harmony with the help of slimming course Thai Bears -20, but do not want to stop there? But extreme weight loss over a long period of time can be dangerous. It's time to slow down the speed of parting with excess weight, to preserve and enhance the results achieved in a short time.
Supporting course "Thai Bears -20" is designed for a smooth and gradual weight loss - this hospital doctors "Yanhee" advised to modify the usual dosage regimen, while continuing to use the drug every other day, expecting the course to 56 days of treatment, instead of 28. In this case, you have nothing to lose except extra kilos, and can give your body the time it takes to adapt to the changed parameters of the body. In this case, to maintain the achieved results in the years to come will be much easier, and if the weight will try to come back with him will always help manage time-tested "Bears".
Your first course has come to an end? Do not miss the opportunity to achieve more. Book a supporting course "Thai bears" from the hospital "Yanhee" now online web store "Thai care", and we will send it to you as soon as possible. Do not hesitate to share their successes in a review to the drug. After all, your experience may be useful for those who still doubt the achievement makes the result.
Please note that we can not guarantee every customer the desired result, because the reaction of the body of each individual in the course of weight loss.
5,600 р. 6,160 р.
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