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Push-up Panties Booty Push-Up Pants for Brazilian priests effect (110.00 g)

  • Product Code: 000939
  • Gross weight: 110.00 g
  • Stock: In stock

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1,650RUB 1,650 р.

 Seamless panties push-up: Secrets of choice
 Seamless underwear is popular among sports fans, and among women, leading an active life outside the gym. Among its advantages - a perfect landing on a figure and not an opportunity to focus attention on the presence of underwear under his clothes. Not surprisingly, when it came to creating panties push-up, giving additional volume of thighs and buttocks, seamless pattern were again out of competition. It creates innovative solutions with the help of circular knitted fiber technology - like socks or tights. The edge of laser processing, zapaivaya edge threads and preventing their further spread, the interior space is filled with a special modeling insert, soldered into the design. In the end, it turns out perfectly sitting on a figure corrective underwear with push-up effect.
 How to choose seamless push-up pants on a figure?
 When choosing panties push-up should pay attention not only to the brand or size matching clothes your own parameters. The value also have such things as:
 the type of materials used - synthetic are more hygroscopic, well removes moisture;
 the desired degree of correction effect;
 ride height and length of the model.
 These parameters determine the degree of comfort that will make the laundry in the process of socks. But the most important is all exactly match the size. The fact that the seamless panties push-up soldered filler used, which should best meet your natural curves. Otherwise, the edges of the field, especially in the short models, echoing the shape of conventional panties, can occur quite comical effect, similar to that created too large bras with push-up effect.
 Obvious advantages of seamless push-up panties
 An important advantage of seamless push-up panty is the lack of effect of "migration" of the liner - balanced design and will fit perfectly on a figure, not constraining movements. In the case of models which use removable inserts, to achieve such an effect it will be practically impossible. Another important point - no seams. This design will remain invisible beneath the thin evening dress, providing the desired effect throughout the publication or a romantic date.
 Wide range of models - another significant advantage push-up panties. For example, variants with a high waist are very popular, thanks to the corrective effect not only in the buttocks, and waist. They make the silhouette "hourglass" will be much easier. However, cowards hide under a thin dress most likely will not work. Models that allow not only to increase the buttocks, and thighs, also are popular with the ladies with "boyish" figure type. A miniature "Tango" with push-up effect of helping to generate the same silhouette with "Brazilian ass" that dream of millions of girls and women who want to replicate the natural forms of the torrid Brazilians.

Product Reviews
Сразу скажу – трусиками я очень довольна! Дресс-код в офисе вынуждает носить только юбки на работе, а с моими тощими габаритами ни одна юбка не сидит как надо. Самое безобидное – они крутятся вокруг талии и приходится постоянно поправлять юбку. Да и на попе вечные морщинки и складки, какой размер я бы ни выбрала. Трусики размера М хорошо сели на мой переходный между 40 и 42. У них тянущаяся передняя часть и поролоновая задняя. Посадка у трусиков естественная, никто никогда в жизни не догадается, что попа у вас искусственная )) В одежде выглядят великолепно – они сразу добавили нужный объем в попе. Юбки и платья теперь не мучение, а наслаждение!
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