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Push-up underwear

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Push-up underwear

Push-ups: the secret of modern beauties
Until recently, insufficiently voluminous and lush hips and buttocks were not considered a physical flaw at all - on the contrary, a girl with skinny figures ruled in fashion. But the era of body positive has changed everything. Now on the covers of magazines flaunt girls and women with magnificent rounded shapes and a pronounced waist. And those whom nature has endowed not so generously have to achieve the desired visual effect due to small tricks - such as wearing push-up panties that can instantly add volume where necessary.
Everything new - well forgotten old
As a matter of fact, the fashion for feminine forms periodically appears and disappears. It is not surprising that the beautiful ladies of the past had to go to serious tricks in order to achieve results so desired for them. Tournaments and lining, special corsets and underwear for giving the buttocks perfect shapes and incredible volume were popular back in the 19th century. And I must say that since then, little has changed in the design of this device. Modern push-up pants are all the same descendants of corsets, only equipped with special inserts on the sides or in the back.
The filler in such models of linen can be removable or soldered inward. In the second case, push-up pants are more difficult to maintain, but the effect they create will be more natural. The type of filler used also matters. He can be:
silicone - quite uncomfortable to wear and creating a "greenhouse effect" due to its air tightness, but retaining its shape even while sitting;
foam rubber - hygroscopic and lightweight, but retaining shape, only while the owner of the push-up panties is standing, and short-lived;
polyurethane, made of foam material - it is used in models with a soldered filler, among its advantages are ease of care and preservation of shape under load, breathing structure.
In fact, for short-term outings or conquering male hearts, a foam model of panties with a push-up effect is enough. But if you want to be completely confident in maintaining the achieved result, it is better to choose a polyurethane filler.
And what do we know about the form?
All types of filler used in push-up pants can be either plug-in - in the form of inserts, or soldered. The second option is more convenient because such models are made with a solid mold, and there is no danger of displacement of individual parts during wear. So, for example, often happens with silicone, the liners from which are famous for their unpredictable behavior.
Another important point is the presence of seams. Seamless push-up panties have one-piece inserts and laser edging. They are more suitable for owners of impressive forms who want to emphasize the perfection of their form. If the selection is incorrect, there may be problems with the fit of the edge of the laundry to the body. Stitched models are distinguished by the presence of edging - beiki, which allows you to create a modeling effect even on rather thin buttocks.