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Patch Slimming Mymi Wonder Patch Up Body to the waist, hands, face, (100.00 g)

  • Product Code: 000451
  • Gross weight: 100.00 g
  • Stock: In stock
471RUB 471 р.

 Plaster Mumi Wonder Patch Up Body pohudaniya.Noveyshaya used for development in the field of the production of means for correction and anti-obesity agents. This product is intended for the upper torso, is a unique and innovative new product in this segment of cosmetic products intended to burn excess weight and improve the shape. At the heart of this versatile tool is a recipe of traditional Chinese medicine. It is used by people with obesity problems. It activates and adjusts the processes of the stomach and intestines, improves digestive sistemy.Osnovnye ingredients is medicinal plants, from ancient times used in the east for the treatment and prevention of obesity problems. The components of the patch quickly penetrate the skin, are establishing the blood circulation to the problematic area of ​​the body is removed from the body excess moisture, harmful substances and toxins. Normalize the process of digestion by the body and restore the lymphatic system cheloveka.Chto much important, the patch for weight loss, has no negative effects. As there are no contraindications when using this tool in combination with other drugs for correction. However, and as an independent way to combat obesity, the plaster Mumi Wonder Patch Up Body, effectively rabotaet.Idealno fit and unleashes the full potential inherent in it, in combination with exercise. No contraindications for the use of it in his sleep. Also, thanks to the compact size, it can be worn under clothing during raboty.Tak as substances that are included in the patch Mumi Wonder Patch Up Body is very active, the drug acts still quite a long time, even after removing it from the tela.Polozhitelnye results from the use of patch:
 1. Growing and strengthening the immune function of a person.
 2. Recovery of the body's endocrine system.
 3. The decrease in the problem areas of the body.
 4. Restore the skin.
 5. Withdrawal from the body of excess moisture.
 6. Cleansing the body of harmful toxins.
 The drug has a number of contraindications. kidney disease. Pregnancy. Diabetes. Problems with the thyroid. The period of application of himioterapii.Pered need to consult with a specialist.
 Number: One package contains three sets of eight patches of various sizes. Packaging is designed for 3 applications.

Product Reviews
Здравствуйте Лучшим вариантом будет использование перед физическими нагрузками, пусть это будет даже домашняя уборка. Не держать более 4 часов С уважением
Подскажите, а на сколько по времени его наклеить. И вообще способприменения?
Делюсь опытом использования этой чудо-штуки. Если у вас, как у меня, целлюлит располагается неравномерно - на руках или, того хуже, боках, а овал лица заплывает жиром первым, можете рассматривать пластыри в качестве средства первой помощи. Во-первых, они реально тонизируют кожу. Эффект - уже после первого применения, после курса вообще объемы уходят весьма ощутимо. На боках и талии отлично убирает тонкий слой жирка, но при большом весе, боюсь, одних пластырей было бы маловато. В целом, очень ими довольна.
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